Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Jesus – I AM

The phrase "I AM" is used in several places in the Bible.

The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush
(Exo (2 Mos) 3:2). It's believed that when the 
angel of the Lord is mentioned in the Old Testament, it's always the pre-incarnated Jesus Christ. He said that he is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob (Exo (2 Mos) 3:6, 15), see Our Resurrection from Death. He said that his name is I AM (Exo (2 Mos) 3:14), see time 29:01–33:07 in DAVID GUZIK SERMON ON EXODUS 3 I AM Your God.

In Mark 14:6162, when Jesus was accused before the high priest, Jesus said that he is I AM. Also in John 8:5759 and John 18:48, Jesus said that he is I AM, see this explained at time 10:3315:22 in
John 18:1-18 – Glory Under Arrest. The Jews believed that Jesus was
blaspheming because he made himself God (which he is and is the truth) when he said that he is 
I AMthat is, God (Isaiah 43:1011).

The Samaritan woman said to Jesus: "I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ). When he comes, he will tell us all things." Jesus said to her: "I who speak to you am he." (John 4:2526).

This means that Jesus was God in the flesh as a man on Earth.
He is eternal God, just as both the
Father and the Holy Spirit are
also God, see
The Trinity. The meaning of I AM is that Jesus has always existed as the Word (John 1:1, 14, 1 John 1:1, Rev 19:13), and will always exist as God the Son.

In Deu (5 Mos) 6:4 it says: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!" In Hebrew it says "Schama Yisrael, Yehovah, Elohiym, Echad, Yehovah". God's name is mentioned three times, showing 
the Trinity of God. In Hebrew there are two words for one, namely 
Echad = one, one-unit compound unit, and
Yacheed = one only, absolute one. In this case the word Echad 
is used, which shows the Trinity of God. 

In a similar way it is written in Gen (1 Mos) 2:24: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Here Echad is also used for one, showing that they are one entity. Likewise, God is a unity of three persons; God the FatherGod the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

You can compare it to a family business consisting of three people. Together they make up the family business, but each is a member
of the company. In the same way, God consists of three persons,
who together are God. They are not three gods.

Jesus also says that whoever has seen him has seen the Father
(John 14:9), and that he is in the Father and that the Father 
is in him (
John 14:1011). Jesus and the Father are One
This shows the deity of Jesus, see 
Jesus is God and 
The Order between Jesus and the Father in the Trinity.

Watch this video on the deity of Jesus Christ, time 33:06–57:24 in
See especially time 37:4242:07 : Jesus – I AM.

See also Some stories in the gospels at the end of
The Four Gospels.