Friday, May 15, 2020

Whose Sin can We Forgive?

We can and should forgive people who have wronged us, see 
Forgive and You will Be Forgiven. But can I forgive a person
who has done bad to another person who isn't me?

The Jews believed that only God can forgive such a sin 
(Luk 5:21, Mark 2:67, Mat 9:3): 
  • When Jesus forgave a paralyzed man his sin, Jesus put himself on the same level as God (Luk 5:1820, Mark 2:35, Mat 9:2). Jesus also claimed to be God by calling himself the Son of Man (Dan 7:1314, 10:1–21),
    see Visions and Dreams by Prophet Daniel. Jesus claimed it on several occasions in the Gospels. And he did it by healing the 
    paralyzed man 
    (Luk 5:22–26, Mark 2:812, Mat 9:4–8),
     see Jesus is God. This miracle validated his earlier declaration of forgiveness for the man's sin. 
  • Jesus forgave a sinful woman who wet his feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, and anointed them with ointment. The term sinner was used to describe notoriously ungodly people. It meant that she hadn't tried to hold back the sinful lifestyle she lived before. He even said to the woman: "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." (Luk 7:3650). Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Tim 1:15).
Jesus told his disciples that if they forgive someone's sins, their sins are forgiven. But if they don't forgive them, they aren't forgiven (John 20:2123). This declaration is given to the Christian believers. This doesn't mean that we have the arbitrary power to choose who we want to forgive and who we don't want to forgive. A believer can announce forgiveness to people, but not dictate who is forgiven. The announcement of people's forgiveness is based on their response to the gospel message (John 3:1618), see Salvation. It's then God who forgives. A Christian believer can then say to a person who has opened his heart and received Jesus in his heart, that this person is forgiven, but forgiven by God. But if a person rejects Jesus and everything about him, that person isn't forgiven. The Christian believers have a commission from God that allows us to make such a declaration (Acts 13:38,
Mark 16:15
16), see The Great Commission in The Great Commission.

It's correct that it's God who forgives sin and only God can forgive sin. Not even a priest can forgive a sin, or even forgive bad behavior that a person has done to another, see Confession in The Roman Catholic ChurchWhen we have done something that we know is wrong, we should repent and go directly to God for forgiveness, see Sanctification. See also The Unforgivable Sin.

See also Some stories in the gospels at the end of The Four Gospels.