Friday, September 3, 2021

Moses; Part 1: Introduction

Watch the following short videos that explore the story of the exodus:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Israelites in Egypt.
  3. The Promised Land.
  4. Where is Mount Sinai?
  5. Moses flees Egypt to Midian.
  6. Mountain of God.
  7. The Red Sea Location.
  8. Gulf of Aqaba.
  9. Israel Encampment at Pi-hahiroth.
  10. Road in the Wilderness.
  11. Coral at the Red Sea Seafloor.
  12. Red Sea Crossing.

The Hebrews had moved to Egypt during the time of Joseph, see 
Joseph, the Son of Jacob.

The Hebrews had lived in Canaan for 215 years and were to live in Egypt in the 
land of Goshen for 215 years. There they would live as slaves for 112 ± 32 years. See this explained in How Long Were The Israelites In Egypt

It isn't the Hebrew slaves who built the pyramids, they were already there.
They were built several hundred
 years after The Flood at the Time of Noahsee:

The Pharaohs may be according to the timeline in the New Egyptian Chronology.
See also Evidence that the Jews were in Egypt and that King David has Existed.

The art of writing was invented as early as 3000 BC. The oldest surviving writing in Hebrew letters (then adapted from Egyptian hieroglyphs) is Proto-Sinaitic from the 18th century BC in caves in the southwestern Sinai Peninsula. The Hebrew scriptures were thus in use long before the time of Moses. 

It's believed that Moses wrote down the majority of the Tora
(Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses); these are the books:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
(Exo 17:14, 24:3–4a, 34:27, Deu 31:9, 24–26).

For information on the other parts describing the life of Moses, see: