Monday, December 30, 2019

Evidence that the Jews were in Egypt and that King David has Existed

Over 100 people in the Bible have been verified in archeology, 
see time 20:1722:45 in the video Math And The Bible.
  • When the Jews left Egypt and crossed the Jordan, they built an altar of uncut stones, covered with plaster, on mount Ebal (Deu (5 Mos) 27:4–6). The highest peaks were reserved for the idols, but some distance from the top of mount Ebal, the altar has been found, two-thirds of the way up, by
    Dr Adam Zertal. The acoustics in that area are amazing, which was needed when they read the law (Deu (5 Mos) 27:11–13). They found 942 bones in the area from sheep, goats, and cattle, animals that the Jews used for sacrifice. Pottery was dated to the time of the Exodus by Moses out of Egypt. The discovery of this altar has major implications. This means that what is written in Deuteronomy, and at least part of what is written in Joshua, must be scientifically true.
  • Twelve standing stones have been found in the area of Gilgal, near Jericho, by Dr Adam Zertal (Joshua 4:19–20).
  • Cypriot pottery has been discovered at Jericho by Bryant Wood, pottery which should be there if it's of the time of Joshua. He also found continuous series of Egyptian scarabs with dated inscriptions from the time of the Exodus. He found storage containers that had been full of grain. The Jews came to Jericho at the time of harvest (Joshua 3:15). They burned
    Jericho with the grain (Joshua 6:24). It's confirmed that most parts of
    Jericho were burned and that the walls have fallen (Joshua 6:20). 
    Bryant Wood also found a small portion of the north wall still standing, containing a house that may be the house where Rahab lived
    (Joshua 2:15, 6:22–23).
  • Archaeological inscriptions have been found of the prophet Balaam who lived with the Moabites (Numbers (4 Mos) 22:4–6). The text is translated as "Warnings given by Balaam, the son of Beor. A Seer of the gods". This Deir Alla inscription is found in a building at Deir Alla in the Jordan, made by the Amorites (Numbers (4 Mos) 21:21–26). (The Moabites
    (along with the Ammonites) came from Lot and his two daughters
    (Genesis (1 Mos) 19:36–38)). The Bible contains a story with Balaam and a talking donkey (Numbers (4 Mos) 22:22–35), see Balaam and Balak
  • The people of Israel assembled at Shiloh and set up the tabernacle there for more than 300 years (Joshua 18:1). Shiloh was the capital of Israel at the time. The site of the tabernacle has been found during archaeological excavations. 
  • Solomon's fortified gates (1 Kings 9:15) have been found at Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer. The pottery found at these sites is from Solomon's time. This reinforces Solomon as a historical figure. 
  • Ketef Hinnom amulets have been found in Jerusalem from the First Temple
    period. It has inscriptions from Numbers (4 Mos) 6:24–26. By infrared technology, almost the entire chapter has been found engraved on the back of the amulets (Jeremiah 17:1). With pottery it's dated to the time of Jeremiah, 400 years older than the Dead Sea Scrolls. The text is accurate like the text we have today.
  • The kingdom of Israel was divided after Solomon, see 
    Rehoboam and Jeroboam, and the Division of Israel. Jeroboam, who became king of ten tribes in the northern kingdom of Israel, built altars in Dan and Bethel to prevent the people from returning to Jerusalem. The altar of Dan has been found at Tel Dan in northern Israel. The altar at Bethel was destroyed (1 Kings 13:1–6).
  • Archaeological inscriptions have been found on a stone at Dan about the House of David. It describes a battle between king Hazael of Syria and the kings of Judah and Israel (2 Chronicles 22:5). It contains the translated text "I destroyed the House of David". 
  • The City of David is the city that David concurred from the Jebusites,
    it's Jerusalem where David was given a house to live in (2 Sam 5:6–11). The City of David is today a part of Jerusalem south of the Temple Mount. 51 seals have been found in the remains of an archive building in the 
    City of David, dating from the end of the First Temple period,
    when the Babylonians came and burned everything.
    26 of the seals contain texts of people mentioned in the Bible:
  • A water shaft is mentioned in 2 Sam 5:8. The water came from
    Gihon Spring that supplied Jerusalem with water (2 Chronicles 32:30),
    see King Hezekiah of Judah. Gihon is also mentioned as the place where Solomon was anointed king (1 Kings 1:33–34).
  • King David's palace has been found by Dr Eilat Mazar. It was built by Hiram, king of Tyre (2 Sam 5:11). It has therefore a Phoenician style.
    It's at least six levels high, 200 yards (180 m) across. The pottery is dated from the time of David, tenth century BC. It's located just below the Temple Mount. The Bible text in 2 Sam 5:17 helped to locate the place.
    There are biblical texts that describe the creation of a Phoenician-style palace belonging to David high on a certain mountain, around the end of the eleventh or beginning of the tenth century BC. The palace was found when excavating that site using biblical texts and previous archaeological findings.
  • A new Egyptian chronology has been created, see the
    New Egyptian Chronology.