Friday, January 8, 2021

Whose Son Is Messiah?

Messiah is called the Son of David (Mat 22:4142, Mark 12:35, Luk 20:41). 
This means that Messiah would be a descendant of king David (Mat 1:1, 6, 
Luk 3:31, 1:31
33). The reason is that God promised David that one of his descendants would build the temple and ascend the throne forever
2 Sam 7:12–13, 1 Chron 17:1115, 22:10, 28:6–9, 2 Chron 6:16–17, 7:17–22,
Psalm 132:11–12, Acts 2:30). This promise was fulfilled by 
king Solomon in the short term, but in the long term by Jesus Christ. This prophetic principle is called "The law of double reference", described in Visions and Dreams by Prophet Daniel.

David's royal line is a forerunner, a picture, of the reign of Jesus Christ (Heb 1:8, Psalm 45:6 (7 in some translations)). Note that the Hebrew word Messiah has the same meaning as the Greek word Christ used as a title for Jesus
It means: The anointed one.

The people of Israel needed to follow what is written in 2 Chron 7:14:
"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and
seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
" Something we Christians need to do.

King David said: "The LORD says to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet." (Psalm 110:1, Mat 22:4144, Mark 12:3537a,
Luk 20:41–44, Acts 2:3235). The first LORD is written in all caps. The LORD written in all caps in the Bible is the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), see time 15:10–17:26 in
In this case it's the name of God the Father. The second Lord is Messiah. Jesus tells the Pharisees when he quotes Psalm 110:1 that David in his divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit called Messiah the LordWhat David is saying in Psalm 110:1 is that 
God the Father
 (LORD) speaks to Messiah (who is the Lord) to sit at his right hand. 

See also Heb 1:13"And to which of the angels has he ever said, 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet'?". The context of
Heb chapter 1 is Jesus, which 
means Jesus is MessiahHe is superior to the angels. It's a reminder to us that God the Father has given the promise of victory to the Son. The right hand is always the power of God. Making his enemies a footstool for his feet is a symbolic act of domination that says Jesus will defeat the enemies of God. The emphasis is that Jesus is the promised victor over all these enemies of God and that his victory is absolutely assured.

Jesus then asked them: "If then David calls him Lord (=Messiah), how is he his (=David's) son?" (Mat 22:45, Mark 12:37, Luk 20:44). Jesus addresses Psalm 110:1
to remind them that Messiah is more than someone humanly born in the
lineage of  David
The Jews at that time focused on the human nature of Messiah
and ignored any divine understanding of him.
However, the Old Testament states in various places that Messiah will have a divine nature (Isaiah 9:6). See this explained in time 29:54–5:59 in Matthew 22 (Part 2) :15-46 Paying Taxes.

David refers to a person who is greater than himself and who is Lord to sit on the right hand of God the Father. This person can only be a divine Messiah who is Jesus Christ (Acts 2:36, 1 Cor 15:25). Jesus tells the fact that there is a divine revelation of Messiah as Lord, something the Pharisees didn't understand (Mat 22:46).

Jesus is both the root and the descendant of David (Rev 22:16b). He is both David's source (as Lord) and David's offspring (as man). He explains both his deity and his humanity. He is still the one today who represents us before God the Father.

Watch this video about the deity of Jesus Christ, time 33:06–57:24 in:
Nabeel Qureshi: Jesus in Islam vs. Jesus in Christianity - Apologetics to Islam:
See especially time 46:28–49:56 : Seated at the right hand of God. 

Jesus said the following in The Book of Revelation: "I, Jesus, have sent my angel
to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of 
David, the bright morning star." (Rev 22:16). Jesus is both the source to David and David's descendant. Jesus refers to his divine nature and to
his human nature. 
Jesus says he is Lord over king David, see Jesus is God.

When i write Lord in my other articles it can mean either LORD or Lord.

See also Some stories in the gospels at the bottom of The Four Gospels.