Sunday, September 16, 2018

Does God Exist?

(The information in this article is taken from interviews with Dr. William Lane Craig.)

1) God is the best explanation of the origin of the universe.

See the following explanations:
  • Modern science believes that the universe isn't eternal in the past but has a beginning a finite time ago. See also The Big-Bang Model Revealed.
  • All matter, energy, but also space and time, came into being in this beginning. It means that the universe came out of nothing. But out of nothing, nothing can come without a cause. It's then reasonable that a transcendent cause brought the universe into existence. One explanation has been that through quantum mechanics, particles can be created from
    quantum fluctuations in quantum vacuum, without a cause. But 
    quantum vacuum isn't nothing, it gets weaker with time and isn't the
    origin of the universe. Quantum vacuum has a beginning in itself.
  • Why did the origin of the universe occur? What created the universe?
    This points to a transcendent cause for the universe as the best explanation. A transcendent cause of the universe must be:
o   Not-caused.
o   Non-physical.
o   Intangible.
o   Non-temporal (timeless).
o   Changeless.
o   Powerful.
o   A personal agent who freely chooses to create a new effect
without any predetermined conditions.

2) God is the best explanation for the fine-tuning of the universe for intelligent life.

Watch the animated video: The fine-tuning of the Universe. 

See the following explanations:
  • The complex order of the universe points to an intelligent designer.
  • The number of subatomic particles in the entire known universe is about 10 to the 80th power (1 followed by 80 zeroes). The following examples of fine-tuning requires some sort of explanation, the best being a personal agent:
o   In order for the universe to allow life, the gravity and week force in the atom must be fine-tuned to the precision of 1 chance out of 10 to the 100 power (1:(10^100)).
o   The cosmological constant governing the accelerating expansion of the universe is fine-tuned to 1 chance out of 10 to the 120 power 
o   Roger Penrose, a well-known physicist, has estimated the odds that the initial low-entropy state of the early universe would achieve by chance only to 1 chance out of 10 to the 10 power to the 123 power
  • There are three possible explanations for the fine-tuning of the universe:
o   Physical necessity. It depends on the laws of nature.
But there is nothing in the laws of nature that requires these constants to have these values ​​for life to exist.
o   Pure coincidence only.
The chance that the laws of nature allow life is too small to be feasible.
o   Product of intelligent design.
The only rational and remaining option.

Many persons see the fine-tuning of the universe as the most powerful proof of God's existence ever to come out of science.

3) God is the best explanation of the existence of objective moral values and duties.

Watch the video: 
See the following explanations: 
    • If God doesn't exist, it's impossible to find an objective standard of
      right and wrong, good and evil.
    • According to a naturalistic, atheistic view, there are no objective moral values and duties, but they still exist. God is the best foundation for
      these moral values and duties.

    4) God is the best explanation for the historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth.

    If Jesus really rose from the dead, he must be who he claims to be.
    It means that God has publicly vindicated his claims, and that God must exist.

    5) God can be personally known and experienced.

      For many people, God isn't an idea that has been assumed by the mind,
      but an experienced reality that gives meaning to their lives.
      This can be achieved in the following ways:
      • Pray. Ask God to to prove to you that he exists.
      • Read but also study the Bible, first and foremost about 
        Jesus’ life in the gospels in the New Testament.
      • Ask yourself if Jesus can be who he claims to be, could he have been God incarnate? Is it possible to come into a personal relationship with God?
      • Make a commitment to Christ that you believe in him as your Savior and Lord, that he was God incarnate, and that he rose  from the dead.
        Ask Jesus to come into your life, that he forgives you of your sins,
        and that he makes you the person he wants you to be, see Salvation.


      Apostle Paul wrote: 
      "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Rom 1:19–21). See also What is Information?

      King David wrote: "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard." (Psalm 19:1–3 (2–4 in some translations)).