Friday, September 21, 2018

The Rapture

Jesus is very clear that there is a resurrection, see Our Resurrection from Death.
Note that only the body is resurrected, see Body, Soul, and Spirit in
The Danger with Gnosticism
There is something called the rapture which refers to the end time event when all Christian believers, living and dead, will ascend in the air with new immortal resurrection bodies and join Christ. 

The word "rapture" isn't in the Bible. It comes from "caught up" (in 1 Thess 4:17)
("harpazo" in Greek, meaning "to seize", "catch up", "snatch away", "carry off"
In Latin, that word is "rapturo"
That's where we got the word "rapture"

When we talk about the return of Jesus, we must distinguish between the following:
  1. The rapture when Jesus comes in the air for the Body of Christ.
  2. The return of Jesus when he comes down to Earth to fight for Israel.
Some common explanations of the rapture are as follows:
  1. Pre-Tribulation Rapture:
    Occurs before the Tribulation begins.

  2. Mid-Tribulation Rapture:
    Occurs in the middle
    of the Tribulation.

  3. Post-Tribulation Rapture:
    Occurs at the end of the Tribulation.

  4. Pre-Wrath Rapture:
    Occurs at the end part of the Tribulation, before the seven bowls of wrath are emptied.
    Not in the picture.
Jesus' disciples asked Jesus when he would return (Mat 24:3, Mark 13:4, Luk 21:7). Jesus answered this question in Mat 24–25, Mark 13, Luk 17:20–34, and Luk 21.
He doesn't come in secret (Mat 24:27–30, Mark 13:24–26, Luk 17:24, 21:25–27).
The gospel must first be proclaimed among all nations (Mat 24:14, Mark 13:10).

The rapture is described in 1 Thess 4:1517: The dead in Christ will rise first.
They are the ones in God's Heaven. 
Then the Christian believers who still are alive
on Earth, will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the 
Lord in the air,
and so will we always be with the 
Lord. At the rapture, we will get resurrected
and immortals bodies that will appear as described in 
Jesus appeared in his resurrected body in The Resurrection of Jesus. 

See this explained in these videos at the following times:
The term "asleep" or "fallen asleep" in 1 Thess 4:1315 describes death, see it described in The Book of Thessalonians. Apostle Paul uses it only for believers. See it also described at time 10:0511:37 in Revelation 6 • The Tribulation Period Begins.

People who believe in numbers 1, 2, or 4 mean that Jesus will then return but stay in the air and take the believers up to Heaven. Later, at the end of the Tribulation, Jesus returns again, but now to Earth. People who believe in number 3 mean that
the believers are taken up in the air and then Jesus immediately returns to Earth.

Some of the Christian believers in Thessaloniki were afraid that the rapture had already occurred (2 Thess 2:1–2), and that they had been left behind. See the meaning of The Day of the LordThis was also the case for some believers in Ephesus (2 Tim 2:16–18, 1 Tim 1:19b–20). Apostle Paul explained that Antichrist must first be revealed before it occurs (2 Thess 2:3), meaning that the Tribulation must begin before the rapture occurs. This means that option 1 can't be applied.

The time between the start of the Great Tribulation (the second half of the 7-year Tribulation) and the rapture will be shortened, and the reason is for the sake of the believers. (Mat 24:15–22, Mark 13:14–20). This means that the rapture is a time during the Great Tribulation, and that option 2 can't be applied.

There will be people who be saved after the rapture and will be alive when
Jesus returns
See this explained in The Sheep and the GoatsThis requires time after the rapture and means that option 3 can't be applied.

It's at the last trumpet call that the rapture occurs (1 Cor 15:51–53, 
1 Thess 4:16). The last trumpet call probably refers to the seventh and final trumpet call at the Great Tribulation. This suggests that option 4 is the correct one according to Scripture.

The Book of Revelation describes seven seals that are broken, see The Horses in the Book of Revelation. When the seventh seal is broken, seven angels will blow their trumpets, one at a time, see The Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets in the Book of Revelation. It's when the seventh angel blows the trumpet (the last trumpet call in The Book of Revelation (Rev 10:7, 11:15–19)), that I believe the rapture occurs. It's when it's harvest time in Heaven (Rev 14:14–16). 

The Book of Revelation describes seven bowls of wrath being emptied, one at a time (Rev 16). It seems that this occurs after the seventh angel blows the trumpet,
that is, after the rapture. 
This means that the believers will avoid the seven bowls
of wrath. Jesus returns when the Great Tribulation ends
 (Rev 19).

The Bible teaches that some people will be taken and some left behind
(Mat 24:40–41, Luk 17:34–35). This event is related to the rapture when some
are left behind. As it was in the days of Noah, see The Flood at the Time of Noah,
so it will be at the rapture (Mat 24:37–39, Luk 17:26–33). 

There is a trumpet call also in Mat 24:31 when Jesus sends out his angels to gather his elect, but this occurs when Jesus has already returned. It's likely that there will be trumpet calls also during the millennial kingdom and throughout eternity.

To understand the timing of the rapture above is an example of a debatable issue, see Disputable Matters in The Book of Romans. It's not essential to salvation. See time 26:18–28:14 in Bible Q&A With Pastor Paul │ September 2023.

See also Some stories in the gospels at the end of The Four Gospels.