Thursday, December 12, 2019

What is Information?

God has created in us the ability to recognize design when we see it. Where there is design, there must be a designer. If we see our names written in the sand on a beach, we intuitively understand that they have come from some intelligence, and not from nature by chance. The reason is that they contain information. Original
information always come from some intelligence, from a mind, never from nature by chance. Information can be copied, but originally it comes from an intelligent mind.

Even secular atheist scientists say that their "seems" to be design in the universe, but "they know it isn't". They deny the truth (Rom 1:20). 

Those searching for life in space seek information. If they find real information 
originally from space they believe that they have found intelligent life in space.
Then they 
don't think it came from nature by chance. See The Fermi Paradox.

Mathematical laws are conceptual, universal, immutable, use unexceptionable entities, they derive from the mind of God and therefore reflect his nature,
see Math in the Bible.

All point mutations that have been studied at the molecular level are found to
reduce the genetic information and not to increase it. Not even one mutation
has been observed that adds some information to the genome

What about the genetic code stored on DNA molecules? It contains the most advanced information on Earth. Does it come from nature by chance or from some intelligence. Logically, it must come from an intelligent mind, from a creator, from God, see time 3:598:22 in the video Math And The Bible. For more on the complexity of DNA, watch Animated Videos Showing the Complexity of DNA.

A law contains information and requires a legislator. Natural laws, such as gravity which describes how the celestial bodies move, do they come from nature by chance or from some intelligent lawgiver? Logically, they must come from an intelligent mind. Laws containing information can't come from nature by chance.

Students learn the following at school:
  • That life has begun with lightning passing through a certain type of atmosphere and thus producing chemical substances called
    amino acids. (That t
    hey are building blocks for the proteins, which are
    the most important constituents of the cell, is however correct).
  • That the amino acids were eventually concentrated in the sea and that they formed an ecological soup, where they were linked together to form proteins. They would then somehow come together with DNA 
    (or maybe RNA) to form the first single cell
  • That this is possible because of millions and billions of years. 

Is this true or are they deceived? The following shows that they are deceived:
  1. Proteinsmade up of hundreds of "left-handed" amino acids in specific orders, are the essential building blocks of a cell.
  2. Amino acids aren't concentrated in the sea, they dissolve.
  3. The amino acids would have been so heavily contaminated by other substances that it would have prevented them from forming proteins.
  4. Even pure amino acids (made by intelligent organic chemists) can't form
    proteins under natural conditions. Instead, it's the other way around, the proteins are broken down into amino acids.
  5. Amino acids consist of equal parts "right-handed" and "left-handed" 
    amino acids. Living matter only uses "left-handed" amino acids.
  6. Even if pure and only "left-handed" amino acids had linked together,
    they hadn't done so in the correct order to make a protein. In living matter,
    the order is encoded in DNA, and is read by a complex machinery,
    which requires proteins to already be present.
    In order to create new proteins, we must already have proteins.
  7. DNA and its building blocks, the nucleotides, don't form spontaneously.
With this in mind, scientists have begun to recognize that proteins can't form in an organic soup. Instead, they propose that the original macromolecules were composed of RNA, which later catalyzed the production of proteins. However, this is also wrong. Neither RNA nor DNA is formed outside of living cells.

In order for a protein to perform its function in the cell, each protein must be folded into its own complex and three-dimensional shape. Any change in the protein's shape dramatically alters its function. The slightest change in the folding process can turn a useful protein into a disease carrier. 

Chaperones (which are themselves proteins) are essential for the folding of many
proteins. The chaperones have other chaperones for there own folding.
So how did the first chaperones fold without existing chaperones?

How does a protein find the special position in the cell where it fits?
The answer is that newly made proteins contain strings of amino acids
which direct the various proteins to their correct locations in the cell

The cell must also have the right amount of each protein. One of the most important methods of turning protein production on and off is the use of regulatory sequences in DNA. It's the DNA areas that have the task of telling the cell when the production of various proteins should start and stop. But DNA alone can't turn protein 
production on and off. It cooperates with specialized 
regulatory proteins, each of which fits into its specific region of regulatory DNA. A regulatory protein folds precisely in such a way that it fits exactly in the DNA where it's supposed to act. Together they form a switch. Neither the control sequences in the DNA nor the control proteins function without each other. Both must have arrived at perfect coordination by the time production of the first protein needed to be turned on or off.

This makes it impossible to imagine that it's possible to get new non-destructive information through random mutations so that new animal forms are created, 
see this explained (from time 22 minutes) in Stephen Meyer: Darwin’s Doubt.

This shows some of the information and complexity of creating just a single protein. Seeing this, it's obvious that it requires an intelligent creator. Much more than a name written in the sand on a beach requires an intelligent mind.