Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Historical Facts that Jesus Rose from the Dead

(The information in this article is taken from interviews with Dr. William Lane Craig.)

There are four established facts agreed upon by the majority of New Testament scholars that are best explained by the fact of The Resurrection of Jesus

See also these two animated videos that describe this: 

1) Jesus was crucified.

Jesus died for our sins (1 Cor 15:3, 
Isaiah 53:8), see The crucifixion of Jesus.

See the following video about the crucifixion of Jesus:
Nabeel Qureshi: Jesus in Islam vs. Jesus in Christianity - Apologetics to Islam:
  • Time   4:31–22:22        : The crucifixion of Jesus.
    • Time  4:31– 6:24   : Historical evidence.
    • Time  6:25–22:22  : The crucifixion:
      •   6:25–  9:42  : The process of flogging.
      •   9:42–13:07  : The crucifixion process.
      •  13:08–14:20 : The result of crucifixion.
    • Time 14:21–15:28 : Supporting evidence.
    • Time 15:29–16:03 : Prophesies in the Old Testament,
                                    see Psalm 22: the Crucifixion Psalm.
    • Time 16:04–22:22 : Arguments against Jesus' death.

2) Jesus was given a proper burial by Joseph of Arimathea:

·      This is attested in independent early sources (Mat 27:57–61, Mark 15:42–47,
Luk 23:50–55, John 19:38–42, 1 Cor 15:4a, 
Isaiah 53:9), with the earliest sources dating to within the first five years of Jesus’ crucifixion.
     If an incident is awkward or embarrassing to the early church, it's more likely to be historical. For example, the burial was not done by Jesus' family or by his disciples,
it was done by a member of the hated Jewish court.

3) Jesus’ tomb was discovered empty by a group of his female followers on the Sunday morning after his crucifixion:

      The empty tomb story is attested in independent early sources
(Mark 16:2–7, Luk 24:1–12, John 20:1–10, 1 Cor 15:4b).

·      It was discovered by women. The testimony of women in Jewish society was considered worthless. The disciples had by that time abandoned Jesus and
weren't with these women at the discovery.

·     The disciples' enemies said the tomb was empty (Mat 28:11–15).

4) Various individuals and groups experienced appearances of Jesus alive after his death:

     Jesus was seen by several people after his resurrection (Mat 28:5–10, 16–20,
Mark 16:9–20, Luk 24:13–53, John 20:11–21:25, 1 Cor 15:5–8). Most of these witnesses were alive at the time, making it possible to be corroborated.
This includes James, the half-brother of Jesus, who probably became a believer because of this (Acts 1:14, Gal 2:9).

5) The disciples suddenly and sincerely came to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead:

     According to Jewish thinking, Messiah wasn't supposed to be executed.  Even so, they came to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead very suddenly.
See this described at time 1:03:04–1:05:49 in Math And The Bible.


If Jesus really rose from the dead, he must be who he said he was, see 
Jesus is God. The best explanation of these facts is the hypothesis that God
(The Trinity) raised Jesus (God the Son) from his physical death as a man,
which means that God must exist.

See also: