Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Evidence for a Young Earth


  • Background
  • Astronomical Evidence for a Young Earth
  • Human History Corresponds to a Young Age
  • Radiometric Dating and the Age of the Earth
  • Biological Evidence for a Young Earth
  • Geological Evidence for a Young Earth
  • The Distant Starlight Problem


    The Bible indicates that the Earth and the universe are young, roughly
    less than 10,000 years according to Earth time, see time 5:14–7:52 in
    Bible Q & A With Pastor Paul │ August 2023. People who believe in an old Earth
    and an old universe, estimates the Earth to be 4.5 billion years old and the universe
    to 13.8 
    billions years. Quite a difference. Who is right? 

    For background, see the following videos:

    Astronomical Evidence for a Young Earth

    1. The existence of short-period comets with orbital periods of less than 200 years, such as Halley's Comet (with a lifetime of less than 20,000 years)
      is consistent with the age of our solar system being less than 10,000 years.
      Comets are made of icy material that is constantly being depleted, as solar wind and radiation blast the material into space. A typical comet can't therefore last more than 100,000 years. But we can still see short-period comets. Secular astronomers explain this as short-period comets originating
      in the Kuiper belt. There is no evidence for that.
    2. Jupiter emits twice as much energy as it receives from the Sun. Such a process can't continue for billions of years. Jupiter still has an internal heat, it hasn't cooled. The problem is the grater for Neptune, which emits 2.6 times as much as it receives from the Sun. How can it still have an internal heat if it's billions of years old? These planets have no radioactive elements that can activate heat.
    3. Jupiter has a huge magnetic field. It's too high for life. Uranus and
      Neptune have magnetic fields. They shouldn't have such strong magnetic fields if they were billions of years old.
    4. The Moon now moves 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) away from Earth once a year. Going back at most 1.4 billion years, the Moon would touch the Earth, which of course isn't possible, but can be seen as an upper limit. The secular view is that Earth and Moon are 4.5 billion years old, which isn't possible, see
      Where Did the Moon Come from?
    5. The Faint Young Sun Paradox describes the apparent contradiction between observations of liquid water early in Earth's history and the expectation that the Sun's output would be only 70% as intense in that epoch as it is in the modern epoch, if the Sun is 4.6 billion years old. This means that the Sun should have become 40% brighter (0.7x1.4=0.98) since it formed and 25% brighter since life appeared on Earth. 25% means a temperature increase of 16–18°C. Since the current average temperature is 15°C, the Earth should then have had a temperature of -2°C when life appeared. It's not a paradox
      for a young Earth.
    6. Spiral galaxies rotate faster closer to the center. It's known how fast their arms rotate, so it's possible to test it in computer simulations. The secular view is that the spiral galaxies are 10 billion years old. If the spiral galaxies are only
      a few hundred million years old, it shouldn't be possible to see the arms of the galaxies any longer. See this explained at time 21:06–23:35 in
      PhD Christian Scientist Exposes the HUGE Faults in Cosmic Evolution.

      All spiral galaxies also appear to be in mature states in the observable universe, see Explanation Model in The Big-Bang Model Revealed.
    7. The galaxies contain many blue stars. They expand their fuel quickly. The hottest blue stars can't last tens of millions of years. The secular explanation
      is that these blue stars have formed recently from a nebula collapse. The problem with that explanation is that the gravity in a nebula is much lower than the gas pressure that wants to expand the gas. A blue star is the hardest star to make. Astronomers haven't seen a star form
      , see time: 

    Human History Corresponds to a Young Age

    1. Secular dating indicates the origin of agriculture around 10,000 years ago.
      At the same time, the same chronology says that modern man has probably existed for 200,000 years. If so, someone would surely have started sowing seeds of plants earlier to produce food.
    2. Lack of evidence for extraterrestrial civilizations elsewhere in our 
      Milky Way galaxy, see The Fermi Paradox.
    3. Mitochondria and Y-chromosome speak for a young origin of man, see
      The Origin of Man. It shows that t
      he breakdown of the human genome due to the large number of deleterious mutations in each generation is consistent with an origin of only thousands of years ago. This has been confirmed by realistic population genetic modeling, which shows that the human genome is young on the order of thousands of years.
    4. Charles Darwin got it wrong, see How Darwin Got It Wrong.

    Radiometric Dating and the Age of the Earth

    1. Radiocarbon dating (C-14 dating) is a method of determining the age of an object containing organic matter by using the properties of C-14. The older a sample is, the less C-14 should be detected. The half-life of C-14 (the period of time after which half of a given sample has decayed) is only about 5730 years. The oldest dates that can be measured by this process are about 70,000 years. After that time there is too little C-14 left to measure. This means that if there is a significant amount of C-14 left in a material, it must be much younger than 70,000 years.

      ignificant amounts of C-14 have been detected in all organic materials measured with the C-14 dating method, even in bones from dinosaurs, see Dinosaurs and the BibleC-14 has been found in fossils all the way
      back to the Cambrian period estimated by evolutionists to be
      about 600 million years old, but must then be less than 70,000 years old.
    2. C-14 in coal, oil, and fossil wood speaks for an age of thousands of years and clearly contradicts millions of years. Experiments show that oil and coal can be formed quickly by pressure and heat, see How fast can oil form?

      There is C-14 inside diamonds. The secular estimated age of diamonds is more than three billion years. When John Baumgardner sent a diamond to a laboratory for C-14 dating, the report gave an age of about 58,000 years.
    3. Dating a rock with different radiometric dating should give approximately the same date if they are reliable. They don't give that. They always give different dates. Even when using the same method, the wrong date is received, as the following examples show:
      • When dating lava from the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens using the K-Ar dating method, incorrect values were given, see
        Errors in the Radiometric Dating Methods.
      • When dating volcanic material in Sunset Crater, Arizona, known to be 900 years old, it was dated using the K-Ar dating method to be 210,000 – 230,000 years old.
      • When C-14 dating was applied to date wood found in lava in Australia, it gave the measured date 45,000 years. Another lab using the K-Ar dating method got the date 44 million years for the lava part. They should have been given the same date for both cases.
      • In 1801 there was an eruption in the volcano Hualalai in Hawaii. Three samples were dated a few years ago using the K-Ar dating
        1. 0 million years old.
        2. 12 million years old.
        3. 21 million years old.
      • An artificial copper bell was found in carbon dated to be 300 million year old.
    4. See time 31:28–49:20 in Science Confirms Biblical Creation | Dr. Jason Lisle.

    Biological Evidence for a Young Earth

    1. DNA is found in "ancient" fossilsDNA extracted from bacteria believed to be 425 million years old, can't possibly be that old because DNA can be preserved for thousands of years at most because of chemical reasons.
    2. Many fossil bones "dated" to many millions of years are barely or not at all fossilized. This contradicts the general view of the great age of the Earth.
      The record is held by tubes of sea brush worms, "dated" to 550 million years, which are soft, elastic, and originally composed of organic compounds.
    3. Hundreds of living fossils such as jellyfish, graptolites, broom fins, stromatolites, wollemitals. That several hundreds of species could remain unchanged, even up to billions of years in the case of stromatolites,
      speaks against the reality of millions and billions of years.

    Geological Evidence for a Young Earth

    1. The Earth has a magnetic field based on electrical current. Electrical current goes down in the meantime. The magnetic field is exponential decaying with the half-time of 1611 ±10 years. It's an exponential decline with fluctuations, especially during and after the Flood, as shown by historical measurements and consistent with the hypothesis of a continuous decline since creation.
      This suggests an age of the Earth of only thousands of years. If you go back in time 6000 years, it becomes 20 times stronger, which is good for life. If you go back in time 50,000 years, it will be 56 billion times stronger, and no life is then possible. If you go back 60,000 years, the magnetic field becomes stronger than a neutron star.
    2. It doesn't take millions of years to form stalactites or stalagmites. These are found formed rapidly under bridges, man-made caves, and basements.
    3. An aircraft landed in Greenland during World War II and were retrieved 
      46 years later. It was then buried with 250 feet (75 m) of snow.
      It's possible to get deep snow very quickly.
    4. It doesn't take millions of years to form fossils. There are several examples of fossils formed in just a few months, weeks, days, and even hours, see
      Evolutionists, You’ve Been Caught Lying About Fossils.

    The Distant Starlight Problem

    A question that often comes up is how we can see far away stars if the universe is young, if it takes millions of years for light to reach Earth. It's called:
    "The distant starlight problem". We know the speed of light, but it's the average of the two-way speed of light: from me to a distant object and then back to me. 
    It's impossible to measure the one-way speed of light, physicists have tried to do it for hundred of years without success. It's permitted according to the laws of nature to choose another convention. I can choose the Anisotropic Synchrony Convention (ASC) that the speed of light from me is half the average speed of light and that the light back to me is instantaneous. This gives the same average speed of light. All the law of physics work for that convention. 
    That means all I see in the sky is when that happens too. It's believed that the Bible is written according to that convention (Gen (1 Mos) 1:1419).
    When God created the stars, the light from the stars immediately reached the Earth according to that convention. 

    See ASC explained and why it's impossible to measure one-way speed of light:
    There is a distinction between Anisotropic Synchrony Model (ASM) and ASC.
    ASM is developed by Dr. Jason LisleIt shows that the Bible is using ASC
    God then created everything in a mature state during the creation week.
    See faulty attempts to falsify 
    ASM explained during these times in the video 
    • Time 1:01:24–1:02:56. 
    • Time 1:12:35–1:15:03.
    • Time 1:17:20–1:20:15.
    • Time 1:28:52–1:30:34. 
    • Time 1:31:06–1:32:24.
    • Time 1:33:05–1:36:03.
    • Time 1:36:44–1:38:12.
    • Time 1:39:47–1:41:14.
    • Time 1:42:14–1:44:36.
    • Time 1:46:55–1:48:05.
    • Time 1:48:54–1:53:39.
    • Time 1:57:34–1:59:02.
    • Time 1:59:16–2:00:22
    That the light in one direction can come instantaneously can be an explanation for the behavior of Quantum Entanglement, see these times in the videos:
    There are other explanations to "The distant starlight problem". For example; God may have used a supernatural mechanism during creation week and allowed the current laws of nature to begin operating on the seventh day of creation week or after creation week. See the suggestion of Dasha (mature creation) explained at: 
    However, some other proposed explanations aren't plausible, see
    59:211:05:09 in "Astronomy Reveals Creation" with Dr. Jason Lisle.

    The Big-Bang model has a similar light travel problem,
    the so-called Horizon Problem, see 
    time 24:29–27:42 in 
    Did the James Webb Space Telescope Disprove ...? 

    See also Scientific Problems with the Big-Bang Model in