Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Math in the Bible

Galileo said: "The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics". 
God designed and created the universe based on mathematical laws and numbers, principles that continue to govern all creation. Scientists believe that mathematical relationships reflect real aspects of the physical world. Science relies on the assumption that we live in an ordered universe subject to precise mathematical laws. Watch the video 
God and Mathematics.

See also the video GEMATRIA EXPLAINED: The Secrets of Gematria Revealed and
the meaning of GematriaThe Jews had no numerals, they used letters in Hebrew 
to express numbersEvery letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a number value:

Note that five of the letters correspond to two different Hebrew characters.

The number value 1 stands for one God: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one." (Deu (5 Mos) 6:4). "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." (1 Tim 2:5).

The number value 3 stands for the three persons in God: God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. See how this is possible in question 8 in The Trinity.

The number value 7 is the basis of God's word. It stands for completion and perfection. It also symbolizes God's openness and his authority over all creatures in the world. Gen (1 Mos) 1:1 is permeated by the number value 7:

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth." (Gen (1 Mos) 1:1).

Hebrew is read from right to left. The text is in Swedish.

  • The entire verse has 28 (4x7) letters.
  • The first three words have a total of 14 (2x7) letters.
    The last four words have a total of 14 (2x7) letters.
  • The word in the middle together with the word on the left have 7 letters. 
    The word in the middle has, together with the word on the right, 7 letters.
  • The three main words (God, heaven, Earth) have 14 (2x7) letters.
    The remaining words have 14 (2x7) letters.
  • The three main words (God, heaven, Earth) have the number value 777
  • The first and last letter of each word together have the number value
    1393 (199x7).
  • The first and last letter of the first and last word together have the number value 497 (71x7).
  • The first letter in the first and last word together have the number value 7 (1x7).
  • The last letter of the first and last word together have the number value 133 (19x7).
Also the prime number value 37 has a specific meaning in this verse:
  • The entire verse has the number value 2701 (73x37).
  • The first five words have the number value 1998 (54x37).
    The remaining words have the number value 703 (19x37).
  • The three main words (God, heaven, Earth) have the number value 777
    (21x37). The remaining four words have the number value 1924 (52x37).
  • The words with the highest and lowest number value have the number value 999 (27x37). The remaining five words have the number value 1702 (46x37).

Even Greek uses letters as digits. The word Jesus has the number value 888, and the word Christ has the number value 1480. Both words are evenly divisible with 37. See Evidence of God in Mathematics - God’s Signature in His Creation.
See also what the number values 6, 7, and 8 stand for in PROOF The BIBLE is Inspired by GOD! | Chemistry & Numerical EVIDENCE for GOD!

Written numerals aren't numbers. They are representations of numbers. It appears that God uses numerical digits in the decimal system that requires ten digits (0 to 9). Perhaps that is the reason why God gave man ten toes and ten fingers.

Also see the following videos showing Pi in Gen (1 Mos) 1:1 and e in John 1:1:
See also Pi in the Bible at time 23:2930:29 in Math And The Bible.
See more information about e in What is e and ln(x)?
See also 
ePi, and i used together in Euler's Identity (Complex Numbers).
See more about 
ePi, and i used together in Why is this Equation so Famous?

Why do we find this in the Bible (and in nature)? An explanation can be to give a text authenticate, to prove the authenticity of the Bible.

137 has a very central place in nature. It's in the fine-structure constant
which has several physical interpretations and is approximately 1/137. If it were to be different
by just 4 % we would have no carbon, which means no life, see time
8:03–14:24 in Why Is 1/137 One of the Greatest Unsolved Problems In Physics? 

See the number values 1, 3, and 7 described above.

See also:
God has wonderfully revealed himself through his creation. Just as God used 
mathematical laws to create everything, he used numbers in the design of his world. See 
Does God Exist?

Also note that their is a secret code in the numbers, which means that the numbers
themselves have a Creator, a very intelligent one. T
he complexity and beauty of
fractals appear in The Mandelbrot Set: Atheists’ WORST Nightmare. This complexity is "built in" to mathematics. Mathematics is the study of the relationship between numbers that are a quantity concept, abstract in nature, not physical. They exist in the mind. Mathematical laws are conceptual, universal, invariant, exceptionless entities, they derive from the mind of God and therefore reflect his natureGod's thoughts are conceptual. Mathematics is how God thinks about numbers. God is omnipresent (present everywhere), simplistic (doesn't change with time), sovereign (with complete control), see God's Attributes.

Perfect fractals repeat ad infinitum and exist only in the conceptual world of mathematics. The physical world contains many things that are approximate fractals. Examples are snowflake, ferns, broccoli, clouds, how lightning branches, spiral galaxies. See the following videos that describe this:
Why we find the same forms in nature which is physical as we find in mathematics which is conceptual is answered in The Mandelbrot Set: Atheists’ WORST Nightmare (from time 33:25). See also This equation will change how you see the worldFractals occur both in mathematics and in the physical world, because the physical world obeys mathematical laws. The reason for this is that mathematics reflects the way God thinks and that God created the physical world. The universe is sustained by the mind of God. Christ upholds all things (Heb 1:3). In him all things consist (Col 1:17).

Also see how the Golden ratio appears throughout nature in the video: 
This AMAZING Math Formula Will Teach You About God!

The Schrödinger equation governing the wave function of a quantum-mechanical
system contains the "square root of -1" (=i), something that doesn't exist in itself.
This means that an imaginary number appears in fundamental physics. 
It turns out that the Schrödinger equation correctly describes everything we know about the behavior of atoms. It's the basis of all of chemistry and most of physics. The 
"square root of -1" in the equation means that nature works with complex numbers that extend the real numbers. See this explained from time 17:39 in 
How Imaginary Numbers Were Invented. This means that God used complex numbers in the design of the universe.

The Bible is right when it speaks of the glory of God revealed in the universe,
see time 15:47-29:54 in "Astronomy Reveals Creation" with Dr. Jason Lisle.