Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Danger with Gnosticism

The word Gnosticism comes from the Greek word gnosis which means knowledge.
Gnosticism is a collection of ancient religious ideas and systems that originated in the first century AD among early Christian and Jewish communitiesThey thought they had a special knowledge, that they had the inside track of truth. It's reminiscent of today's New Age teachings. 

There are three foundations found in most Gnostic movements:
  1. The material world isn't real.
  2. Hatred of the material world.
  3. Elitist or secret knowledge.
Most of them don't believe in the deity of Jesus, but some do. Some don't believe that Jesus came in a physical form, that he had a human body. They see Jesus more as a spiritual being than a human, see it explained in The Book of John

Some of them claim that Jesus was born only as a man and not as a deity. On
his water baptism, the spirit of Christ (Messiah) descended upon him, and he then became deity and humanity, and lived his life as deity and humanity. They believe he rejected the spirit of Christ and then died just as a man, just before he died on the cross when he rejected his spirit, see Jesus 7th words on the cross in
The Crucifixion of Jesus
Apostle John refutes this Gnostic idea. He wrote that Jesus came to Earth by water and blood (1 John 5:6–9), and declares that
Jesus came to Earth when he was born, as God in human flesh (John 1:14),
and that he died 
physically on the cross for us, as God in human flesh.

We have a snapshot of The Trinity when Jesus was baptized: Jesus as the Son of God rising out out of the water, the Holy Spirit descending in the form of a dove, and the voice of God the Father speaking: "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." (Mat 3:16–17, Mark 1:10–11,  Luk 3:21–22, John 1:32–34).
See also 
the voice of God the Father in Listen to Jesus.

The reason for their believe is that they think that everything physical and material is evil. The human body is evil. The chair we sit on is evil. The only thing that is good is that which is made of spirit. It's therefore difficult for them to believe in a physical resurrection (1 Cor 15:12–24, Acts 17:32), see The Rapture.

The Gospel of Thomas is an example of Gnostic teaching and not part of the Bible.

There are two camps among the Gnostics
  1. Ascetics:
    Those who practices self-denial as a spiritual discipline. Note that self-denial
    isn't the same as the Biblical expression "denying self", see 1. Deny yourself and 2. Take up his cross in The Apostle Peter
  2. Libertines:
    Those who are morally unrestrained. They believe that the body has no meaning in the life of the spirit, they can do whatever they want, it's OK to sin. This camp can be seen even in today's Christian church. It's an effective lie from the enemy.
Examples of Gnostic teaching:
You don't have a soul, you are a soul, and have a body that is corrupted. Kenneth Hagin learned: Man is a spirit, has a soul, and lives in a body. He is seen as the father of the Word of Faith movement, see 
Word of Faith Movement in the U.S.

Gnosticism is a heresy in the Christian faith. It's a purposeful and deliberate attempt to change the interpretation of scripture. The Bible clearly teaches:
  1. God created the world, and it's real (Gen (1 Mos) 1:1).
  2. Creation was from the beginning very good (Gen (1 Mos) 1:31).
  3. The teaching of the Bible is important for everyone (2 Tim 3:16).

Body, Soul, and Spirit 

We are created by God (Gen (1 Mos) 2:7). We consist of three parts: a body, a soul, and a spirit (1 Thess 5:23), which together form a human being, see time 26:46–28:30 in Bible Q & A With Pastor Paul │December 2023. They can be seen as a sort of triunity of a human, although they are not three persons forming a human being as compared to The Trinity of God. It's all these parts that are sanctified, see Sanctification. The body is the only thing that can die, and is therefore the only thing that can be resurrected. When I die I loose my body which isn't eternal. See what it means to die in The Book of Thessalonians. My soul and spirit which are eternal leave the body when I die. As Christians, we will receive our new immortal bodies only at the resurrection (1 Cor 15:35–44), see The Rapture. These immortal bodies will then appear as described in The Resurrection of Jesus

Animals don't have spirits and won't be given immortal bodies. They don't go to God's Heaven (Psalm 49:20 (21 in some translations)). They disappear when they die. There may be animals in Heaven, but then created by God to be there. Only
mankind (not the animals) is made in the image of God 
(Gen (1 Mos) 1:26–27).
A "soul" without spirit (in animal) isn't eternal. A soul with a spirit (in man) is eternal. This means that a "soul" in an animal is something different from a soul in man. This means that there is a close connection between soul and spirit in man.
But there is a difference between soul and spirit; they are divided by the word of God, which judges the thoughts and attitudes of my soul (Heb 4:12), see Psalm 131: I have quieted my soul. It's God's word, not emotions, that feeds the spirit. Through the soul (my earthly senses, emotions, intellect, and will) I have contact with people. Through my spirit (intuition) I have contact with God 
(1 Cor 2:9–11). It's the source of life (Gen (1 Mos) 2:7). Jesus said: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24).
"The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts." (Proverbs 20:27).

Before we are saved, we are spiritual dead, see The Book of Ephesians. What remains is the body, soul, and spirit disconnected from God. Before we are saved,
we are ruled by the body and the soul, see The Book of John, and are a reason why the world looks the way it does. 
We also have an unholy triunity: the world (culture in opposition to Jesus), people who reject Jesus, and the Devil (Satan), who only deserves God's wrath, see God has wrath in God's Attributes. Also, Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet will together form a false trinity, see
Who is the End Time Antichrist?which is an attempt to counterfeit the true Trinity.

My spirit begins to work when I become a believer and receive Jesus in my life, see SalvationWhen I am saved, I become a temple of the Holy Spirit who indwells in me (1 Cor 3:16–17, 6:19, 2 Cor 6:16, Eph 2:19–22), see 
Jesus the Light of the WorldWhen I come to Christ, my spirit literally merges with God's spirit, the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:17), see time 16:18–25:56 in 
1 Peter 1 (Part 3) :8–9 • The internal evidence of the Spirit. I am made spiritually alive and is "born again". See the description of "born again" in The Book of Peter.

For us as Christians, however, our soul and spirit are almost indiscernible in our daily lives. Our soul can easily take over (Psalm 46:10a (11a in some translations)).
That's one of the reasons why God has given us the word of God, the Bible, to guide us 
(Heb 4:12). How do I know if it's God speaking to me or if it's just my own thoughts, my soul? King David, who was a prophet, had calmed and quieted his soul not to take over his spirit (Psalm 131:2, Isaiah 30:15), see 
Psalm 131: I have quieted my soul. We should hope in God (Psalm 42:5 (6 in some translations)). David understood that his own emotional voice was so strong (he was a very passionate man), that if he didn't take steps to silence it, he wouldn't be able to hear God's voice. David listened to his feelings and intellect a few times which got him into very serious trouble. We can act like an unruly child who won't be controlled. Our souls can become unmanageable. God wants to communicate with his people (Psalm 32:8), and does so alongside the word of God through our spirit.

See also Some stories close related to the gospels at the end of