Thursday, January 2, 2020

Dinosaurs and the Bible

This article looks at dinosaurs from a biblical perspective. This means that dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans. They aren't millions of years old. Death came into the world after Adam sinned (Gen (1 Mos) 2:17, Rom 5:12). The dinosaur fossils 
came about after that time. Radiometric dating of rocks around the fossils that speak of millions of years aren't reliable, see Errors in the Radiometric Dating Methods.
Carbon datings of dinosaurs give thousand of years, see Evidence for a Young Earth, see also below.
 Red blood cells and soft tissue have been found in Tyrannosaurus rex bones by Mary Schweitzer. None of them last for millions of years. 

Dinosaurs were created after their kind (Gen (1 Mos) 1:2425). Afterwards, they evolved into different dinosaur species; depending on how their genetic code has been combined, due to natural selection in the ecological environment in which they lived, and due to epigenetics (the environment can affect which genes are turned on and off in future generations). This places limits on how far new species can evolve. The dinosaur species didn't evolve from other types of animals due to mutations.
Mutations don't provide new information, see What is Information
Nor have new kinds of animals, such as birds, evolved from dinosaurs.

The Bible says that all animals, including the dinosaurs, were originally herbivores
(Gen (1 Mos) 2930). Some animals probably started eating meat after sin entered the world, but that wasn't originally God's plan. It was only after
The Flood at the Time of Noah man was allowed to eat meat (Gen 9:3–4).

The word Dinosaur isn't in the Bible because it's a modern word from 1842,
from the time when dinosaur fossils began to be found, see time 14:31–16:37
in May 2024 Bible Q&A. Other names for animals, which may be dinosaurs or
the like, are found in the Bible: 

  • Behemoth (beast), created by God (Job 40:15–19 (10–14 in some translations)), is probably a sauropod (a very large herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck and tail, small head, and massive limbs).
  • Leviathan (Job 41:1–34 (40:20–41:25 in some translations), Isaiah 27:1), is probably a plesiosauri (a swimming reptile, not classified as a dinosaur because it's not a land-living animal).
  • Flying reptiles. A flying serpent is mentioned in Isaiah 14:29, 30:6.
The Book of Job was written about 2000 BC. These creatures were apparently still alive at this time. Isaiah was written about 700 BC.

The Hebrew word Tanniyn (Dragon in English) is used in several places in the Hebrew version of the Bible (although it's usually not translated as Dragon in modern translations). The word Dragon in the Bible can be an old word for dinosaur
(land-living animal) 
or similar (swimming reptile and flying reptile):
  • Deuteronomy (5 Mos) 32:33 (KJV)
  • Nehemiah 2:13 (KJV)
  • Job 30:29 (KJV)
  • Psalm 44:19 (20 in some translations), 74:13, 91:13, 148:7 (KJV)
  • Isaiah 27:1, 34:13, 35:7, 43:20, 51:9 (KJV)
  • Jeremiah 9:11, 10:22, 14:6, 49:33, 51:34, 37 (KJV)
  • Ezekiel 29:3 (KJV)
  • Micah 1:8 (KJV)
The size of Noah's ark was enormous (Gen (1 Mos) 6:1416), see The Flood at the Time of Noah. A pair of each kind of reptile was brought into the ark 
(Gen (1 Mos) 6:1921). Although there are over 600 dinosaur names, there are only about 6080 kinds of dinosaurs. If 70 varieties, that means 140 dinosaurs on Noah's ark. Only a few of the dinosaurs were huge, most were small. Even the biggest started very small. They could be brought to the ark when they aren't so big. All the animals in the ark would take up less than half the space of the ark. Watch at the time 12:1415:29 in the video This Will Change Your Mind on Noah’s Ark.

This means we should be able to find some evidence for humans and dinosaurs together. Since the word Dinosaur is a modern word, the word Dragon was probably used instead. There are many legends about dragonsfor example in China, which may have some truth behind them. 

There are pictures of dinosaurs in caves, on rocks and pottery, created before
fossils of dinosaurs were found, indicating that people knew what 
dinosaurs look like. Most dinosaur fossils are probably from the Flood. The remaining ones have died out, which can be explained by various reasons (diseases, climate change, killed by men).

According to the theory of evolution, dinosaurs evolved into birds. Is this a fact?
Fossils of the dinosaur Sinocalliopteryx gigas have been found so well preserved that scientists could discern its stomach contents. They could see that the last it ate was a bird dinner consisting of two birds. Because the birds had only partially molted, the researchers were even able to identify the bird species as Confuciusornis sanctus, see Dinosaur feeding on birds. This suggests that birds lived at the same time as the dinosaurs, and that the dinosaurs didn't die out as long ago as evolutionists claims.

Soft tissue, proteins, and even double-stranded DNA have been found in dinosaur bones by Mary Schweitzer, watch the video Finding tissue and DNA from a dinosaur. She is a Christian but also a theistic evolutionist who believes in the high ages. Her explanation is that the iron in the hemoglobin preserved the tissues for this long time, as described in the video. But it's a very unnatural situation with a highly concentrated hemoglobin solution carefully prepared using advanced technical equipment and carefully selected chemicals. At least in relation to how the situation would be in a dinosaur bone in the wild. And one wonders how the same
blood vessels could be preserved 30 million times longer in nature 

(60 million years instead of two as in Schweitzer's experiments).
See this explained in more detail, especially from time 12:00 in the video 
What Does Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones Mean for Evolution?

Additionally, significant amounts of C-14 have been detected in dinosaur bones, something that shouldn't be detected if the bones were older than 60,000 years,
see the video 
Carbon-14 dating decontaminated dinosaur bones

Dinosaurs fit perfectly into God's plan, watch the following videos at these times: