Friday, May 25, 2018

Where is Heaven

God's Heaven isn't in this universe (Acts 2:33, Eph 4:10, Psalm 113:4–5). God created the universe with space and time (Heb 11:3), meaning that the Heaven where God dwells existed before the universe existed. Even the fact that universe 
is vast, any distance to travel is no problem for God or for the angels.

This Heaven where God has his throne, see God's Throne in Heaven, is where the spirits of the believers in Jesus will go when they die (2 Cor 5:8, Rev 6:9). Humans are eternal beings, which means that when we die we don't cease to exist, but the human soul and spirit leave the body which breaks down,
see Body, Soul, and Spirit in The Danger with Gnosticism.

There is a tabernacle in God's Heaven (Heb 8:1–2, 9:24, Rev 15:5–8). Jesus visited this tabernacle with his blood (Heb 9:11–12). Jesus did it, probably at the time when Jesus' physical body was in the tomb, see The Resurrection of Jesus

What happens with the people who die without having heard of Jesus, who lived before Jesus lived on Earth, or are too young to make a choice? What happens to Abraham? See What Happens to Those Who Have Never Heard About Jesus? 

See also the story of The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31). That text is interpreted to mean that there are two sections in Hades; one for the saved (Abraham’s bosom/Paradise) and another for the lost (Torments (Hell)). 
It's believed that when Jesus died on the cross for our sins, people in Paradise 
was moved to Heaven, meaning this section is now empty. The people of Hell 
will be resurrected (get new bodies) after the millennial kingdom, and then
thrown into the Lake of Fire, see 
What Does the Bible Say about Hell? 

The people who are written in the Book of Life will have eternal life with God,
and those who aren't will end up in the Lake of Fire (Rev 20:12–15).
Some believe that Hades is inside the Earth (Ezekiel 26:20, Amos 9:2a (LXX)) primarily based on the fact that Korah's people fell alive into Hades 
(Num 16:30–33),
see 6. Korah’s Rebellion in Moses; Part 13: Rebellion and Paganism.

When Jesus returns (Zechariah 14:5, Rev 1:7), he will reign on Earth for a thousand years during the millennial kingdom along with the following (Rev 20:6, 2:26):
  • Believers in Jesus participating in the Rapture, likely to occur during the second half of the Great Tribulation (1 Thess 4:1517, Phil 3:21): 
    • The Christian believers who have died and are in Heaven will then return and be resurrected with new immortal bodies.  
    • The Christian believers who are still alive will be resurrected with new ones immortal bodies 
  • There will be believers in Jesus still alive when Jesus returns, see
    The Sheep and the Goats. They will enter the millennial kingdom with their mortal bodies. They will live and die and have children during this time.
After the millennial kingdom there is a Great White Throne JudgementThose who believe in Jesus with their names in the Book of Life will spend eternity on the new Earth in the new universe, where God will also dwell (Rev 21:14), see