Friday, May 25, 2018

The Return of Jesus

When we talk about the return of Jesus, we must distinguish between the following: 
  1. The rapture when Jesus comes in the air for the Body of Christ,
    probably during the Great Tribulation.
  2. The return of Jesus when he comes down to Earth to fight for Israel
    at the end of the Great Tribulation
    It will be preceded by a seven-year Tribulation period, divided into two periods of 3.5 years (Dan 9:27),
    where the second half is called the Great Tribulation.
This means that Jesus comes twice, but it's only the second time that he comes down to Earth. Jesus will then return in the same way he went to Heaven
(Acts 1:6–11). He then returns fully visible, from Heaven, through the clouds,
in physical bodily form (Mat 24:27–31, Mark 13:24–27, Luk 21:25–28).
All will then see him when he comes down to Earth (Rev 1:7). 

Jesus said that no one knows when he will return, we must be ready for his return
at all times (Mat 24:36, 42, 44, 25:13, Mark 13:32–33). 
That day will come as suddenly as a thief at night (1 Thess 5:2). My opinion is that Jesus is talking about the rapture here.

However, as we approach the rapture, we can express the signs of the time when Jesus comes (Mat 24:32–33, Mark 13:28–29, Luk 21:29–31). For Christian believers, that day need not come unexpectedly (1 Thess 5:4). But to the wicked it does 
(Mat 24:37–39, Luk 17:26–30). Also for those Christians who aren't awake
(not being alert) 
that day will come unexpectedly (Rev 3:3), see Sardis in
The Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation and The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
The Bible also mentions The Day of the Lord that includes his return.

Before this happen, the gospel will be proclaimed among all nations (Mat 24:14,
Mark 13:10). This is done through, among other things, the internet and YouTube.

There will be a great apostasy (falling away) at the end of time (Mat 24:11–13,
Mark 13:5–6, Luke 21:8, 18:8b, 
2 Thess 2:3, 2 Tim 3:1–5). Such is life in our time,
see time 3:21–11:50 in Are We Living In The Great Apostasy? 

Gog from Magog will attack Israel, probably close before the seven-year Tribulation periodThe apostasy opens up to Antichrist who people will follow, and who will be stopped by Jesus when he returns to Earth (2 Thess 2:1–12),
Who is the End Time Antichrist?

The Two Witnesses will appear during the Tribulation period. The Christians will be persecuted during this time (Mat 24:9–10, Mark 13:9, 12–13, Luke 21:12, 1617). There will be a great need (Mat 24:1522, Mark 13:14–20, Luke 21:2124). 
The last verses
 speak about the destruction of the temple (Mat 24:1–2,
Mark 13:1–2, Luk 21:5–6) and the fall 
of Jerusalem (Luk 19:41–44) in 70 AD,
but also about the coming period of trouble during the Great Tribulation. 

The destruction of the temple and the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD is a foreshadowing of the Great Tribulation. This prophetic principle is called "The law of double reference", and is described in Visions and Dreams by Prophet Daniel. It will be the greatest need ever to ever come upon the Earth (Mat 24:21, Mark 13:19). It's during the Great Tribulation that Antichrist shows who he really is and will reign the entire world for 3.5 years (Rev 13:5). Most likely, Antichrist is seen as a peacekeeper who has brought peace to people, although Antichrist sees Israel as a final disturbance.

Six seal are first broken with start at the beginning of the Tribulation period,
The Horses in the Book of RevelationWhen the seventh seal is broken, seven angels will blow their seven trumpets one at a time, see The Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets in the Book of RevelationWhen the seventh trumpet blows, seven bowls of wrath in Rev 16 will be poured out. In conjunction with the seventh trumpet 
before the seven bowls of wrath are poured out (Psalm 91:5–10), I believe that 
The Rapture occursBut those who choose to follow Antichrist, have received his mark (Rev 16:2), and worship his image, will suffer these seven bowls of wrath.
All Christians have probably left the Earth at The Rapture before it happens. 
It's still possible to become a Christian afterwards
, see The Sheep and the Goats. 

For the sake of believers, the time between the start of the Great Tribulation and 
The Rapture will be shortened (Mat 24:15–22, Mark 13:14–20).

At The RaptureChristians are raised up, meet Jesus in the sky, and are taken to Heaven (1 Thess 4:17)It's called the first resurrection (Rev 20:6). It's when there is a strong trumpet call that the Christian believers are raised. At the sound of
the last trumpet call Christians will raise up (1 Cor 15:51–53, 1 Thess 4:15–17).
The last trumpet call is probably the seventh trumpet call (Rev 11:15)
, see The Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets in the Book of RevelationThe dead Christians will receive new resurrection bodies, raise up and meet Jesus in the clouds. Then the same thing happens to the Christians who are still alive.

Afterwards, Babylon is destroyed, see What is Babylon in the Book of Revelation?
The last thing Antichrist does is to attack Jerusalem, 
but is defeated by Jesus when he returns (Zechariah 12:3, 8–9, 14:2–3, Rev 17:14, 19:15–16).

Jesus then returns to Earth fully visible at the end of the Great Tribulation 
(Mat 24:27–31, Mark 13:24–27, Luk 21:25–28), s
Prophecies of Jesus' Second Coming. See also End of Time at the end of 
When Did Jesus Die and when Was He Born?

When Jesus returns, there will be judgement on the nations, see the story of 
The Sheep and the Goats. Then 
he establishes the millennial kingdom (Rev 11:15,
20:4–5) followed by the Great White Throne judgement (Rev 20:11–15)

Jesus will be subordinate to God the Father forever (1 Cor 15:24–28),
see The Order between Jesus and the Father in the Trinity.

After the Great White Throne judgement, Earth and heaven will pass away,
and there will be a new heaven and a new Earth, where the born again Christians
will live forever (Rev 21:1–4). The new Jerusalem will come down from Heaven,
and God himself will live on this new Earth. 
See A New Heaven and a New Earth.

See also Some stories in the gospels at the end of The Four Gospels.