Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Two Witnesses

The Book of Revelation speaks of two witnesses at the end time (Rev 11:3). They will prophesy and preach the gospel in great power (Rev 11:5–6) testifying to the world that Jesus is king and will return. They will prophesy for 1260 days (3.5 years) (Rev 11:3).

The bible says that these two witnesses are the two olive trees and the
two lampstands
(Rev 11:4). The Bible doesn't say that they are two separate individuals (see also Rev 11:6–13).

The Book of Zechariah says that the two olive trees are the two anointed to serve the Lord of the whole Earth (Zec 4:11–14). This chapter speaks of a lampstand of solid gold with two olive trees by it, one on the right side and one on the left side
(Zec 4:2–3).

God calls the Jewish people for a thriving olive tree in the book of Jeremiah
(Jer 11:16–17). It says that its branches will be broken because the Jewish people had done evil and burned incense to Baal. Paul tells the Gentiles that some of the branches have been removed from the olive tree so that Gentiles can be grafted in as wild olive shoots (Rom 11:11b, 17). However, the Gentiles must not consider themselves superior to these other branches, since it's the root (Jesus) that sustains all branches (Rom 11:18–21). The removed branches of the Jewish people will be granted in again, if they don't persist in unbelief (Rom 11:23–24). The Jewish people will be saved when the full number of Gentiles have come in 
(Rom 11:25–26), see The Depth of the Riches in The Book of Romans.

This gives us two olive trees, one representing the house of Israel, and the other tree representing the house of Judah. This is due to the division of Israel into two kingdoms, see Rehoboam and Jeroboam, and the Division of Israel. The anointed
Gentile believers are grafted into the olive tree like wild olive shoots representing 
the house of Judah (compare Zec 4:14 with Rev 11:4). Jesus is from the
tribe of Judah. We are still waiting for these olive trees that represent the anointed believers of the Jewish people. This speaks for a revival of the Jewish people, see The 144,000 in the Book of Revelation

The interpretation is therefore that the two witnesses are the anointed believers of the house of Israel and the anointed believers of the house of Judah. The anointed Gentile believers are grafted into the olive tree like wild olive shoots of 
the house of Judah. These "olive trees" 
will operate with great power, probably during the first half of the seven-year Tribulation period.

Revelation 11:4 says that the two witnesses are the two olive trees, but also the
two lampstands. Lampstand stands for church (Rev 1:20). A church is a body of believers.
The two witnesses are therefore two bodies of believers.

What is the meaning of the fire that comes out of their mouths (Rev 11:5)?
This is an expression of
persuasive words coming out of their mouths 
(compare with Jeremiah 5:14).

The two witnesses will operate in great power for 3.5 years (Rev 11:3, 6). This will make the world hate the believers even more and most people will start to follow Antichrist (their false Messiah). After 3.5 years, a demonic spirit of an antichrist will rise from the Abyss, see Who is the End Time Antichrist? Antichrist will then, at the beginning of the Great Tribulation, persecute and kill believers on a large scale
(Rev 11:7)
. The believers will be so hated that some of them won't be allowed to be buried. This will take place over 3.5 days. After the 3.5 days, those not buried will be resurrected (Rev 11:8–13). These believers can then receive their new resurrected bodies and are presumably taken directly to Gods Heaven before the rapture 
that would occur later. This can be compared to the saints who were also resurrected, described at the end of Events after the crucifixion in The Crucifixion of Jesus.

This means that the two witnesses will operate with great power the first 3.5 years of the seven-year Tribulation period. During this time, the persecution of the believers will increase. Afterwards the Great Tribulation begins. Antichrist 
then persecutes and kills believers on a large scale. After 
3.5 days, these killed believers who hadn't been buried, rise to God's Heaven with 
their new resurrected bodies. The rapture occurs later at the seventh trumpet after the seventh seal is broken. Jesus returns at the end of the Great Tribulation.

The text also says that the two witnesses are clothed in sackcloth (Rev 11:3). Sackcloth is symbolic of humbling oneself, a change of inner heart, a true repentance. These are the believers who will be used in great power but also in humility by God during thfirst 3.5 years of the seven-year Tribulation period.