Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Horses in the Book of Revelation

Dan 9:27a speaks of a covenant at the end time, see the end part of
Ezekiel's Temple. Many believe that it's a peace 
treaty that initiates the
seven-year Tribulation period before Jesus returns, see 
Gog from Magog.
"Week" (or "seven" in some translations) 
in Dan 9:27a stands for seven years.
In the middle of the Tribulation period (after 3.5 
years), Antichrist comes with great power, and then the Great Tribulation begins, which continues for the remaining
3.5 years. Jesus refers 
to this in Mat 24:15–22 and Mark 13:14–20. 

Paul speaks of Antichrist (2 Thess 2:1–4). So does John (Rev 13:1, 5–8).
42 months is 3.5 years, that is, the second 
half of the seven-year Tribulation period, the so-called Great Tribulation. Then Antichrist will reign as a world ruler over the whole world, see Who is the End Time Antichrist?

Chapter 4–19 
of The Book of Revelation mostly describe the Great Tribulation: 
  • Chapter 4–5 describe what happens in God’s Heaven. 
  • Chapter 6–19 describe what happens on Earth, mostly during the Great Tribulation. Seven seals are broken during this time.
Chapter 6 speaks of four horses, a whiteredblack, and yellow horse, and describes the breaking of the first six seals:
  1. First Seal (white horse) (Rev 6:1–2): 
    Antichrist comes to deceive the world.
  2. Second Seal (red horse) (Rev 6:3–4): 
    The peace treaty is broken and there will be war,
    perhaps worse than we 
    have ever seen.
  3. Third Seal (black horse) (Rev 6:5–6): 
    There is a lack of the most necessary, famine occurs. 
    We get a time with limited food supply.
  4. Fourth Seal (yellow horse) (Rev 6:7–8): 
    Antichrist gains power over a quarter of the world's population, to kill people there
     by sword, starvation, plague, and wild animals. It doesn't necessarily mean that a quarter of the world's population is killed.
  5. Fifth Seal (Rev 6:9–11):
    The martyrs who have given their lives for God were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of those who were to be killed as they themselves had been killed was complete.
  6. Sixth Seal (Rev 6:12–17): 
    A great earthquake occurs, and there are great signs in the sky
    The people will hide in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
    (Mat 24:29, Mark 13:24–25, Luk 23:30, 
    Acts 2:19–20, Joel 2:30–31, 3:15–16, Hosea 10:8b, Isaiah 2:19–21, 34:4, 50:3). See The Day of the Lord. There is
    also a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:21, Joel 2:28–29, 32),
    see The 144 000 in the Book of Revelation and The Two Witnesses.
Jesus foretells the events of the four horses:
Mat 24:4–5 (deception), 6–7a (war), 7b (NKJV) famine and pestilence).
Mark 13:5–6 (deception), 7–8a (war), 
8b (famine).
Luke 21:8 (deception), 9–10 (war), 11 (famine and pestilence).

This is just the beginning of of the birth pains (Mat 24:8, Mark 13:8b). As labor pains
before the arrival of a child, Messiah's return is preceded by a time of distress. 
he seven bowls of wrath (described in Rev 16) are still to be emptied.

Jesus tells us what we are to do as believers during this time:
"But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap. For it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole Earth. But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luk 21:34–36).
See The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins.

Rev 19:11–14 describes Jesus' return with the heavenly armies, all on
white horses. It's the same color that Antichrist has on his horse in Rev 6:1–2.
Both will 
come as world rulers, but as different types of world rulers. 
Antichrist comes to deceive, see Who is the End Time Antichrist? 

Rev 8–10 describes what happens when the seventh seal is broken. Seven angels will then blow a trumpet, one after the other. After each one of the first six
trumpets, the Earth is punished. The first four trumpets are described in chapter 8. The fifth and sixth trumpets are described in chapter 9. In Rev 9:4, it says about locusts that were told to harm humans, but not those with God's seal on their forehead. Presumably The Rapture hasn't yet occurred.

When the seventh trumpet sounds in Rev 10:7, 11:15–19, God's mystery is fulfilled. In conjunction with the seventh trumpet I believe The Rapture occurs
1 Thess 4:16–17) when Jesus comes to take the believers to meet Lord Jesus in
the sky
It's at the sound of the last trumpet call that The Rapture occurs
1 Cor 15:51–52). The last trumpet call probably refers to the seventh and final trumpet call at the Great Tribulation (
Rev 15:1–16:21), see 
The Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets in the Book of Revelation

There will also be a trumpet call when Jesus returns, and probably during 
the millennial kingdom and throughout the eternity. There is a trumpet call when Jesus has returned and gathers the believers (
Mat 24:31). They are those who have come to believe in Jesus after The Rapture, see The Sheep and the Goats.

I believe that the seven bowls of wrath, described in Rev 16, are emptied after 
The Rapture and before Jesus returns
This means that these believers will avoid
the seven bowls of wrath. 
Not all events in The Book of Revelation are described in chronological order. But if the events of chapters 10, 16 and 19 are in chronological order, then chapter 16 (describing the seven bowls of wrath) occurs after chapter 10 (describes the seventh trumpet when The Rapture occurs), but before chapter 19 (describes when Jesus returns). This means that The Rapture takes place during the Great Tribulation, but before the seven wrath bowls are emptied.

For more detailed information about the rapture, see The Rapture.