Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Big Bang Model Revealed


  • The Big Bang model
  • Explanatory model
    • General about the Big Bang model 
    • JWST observations based on the Big Bang model 
    • JWST observations based on the Creation model
  • Dark matter
  • Dark energy
  • Scientific problems with the Big Bang model
  • Cosmology
  • Hubble’s law
  • The universe has a center
  • CMB
  • The Creation model
  • Differences between the models
    • Big Bang model
    • Creation model
  • Space and time
  • Summary

The Big Bang model

The Big Bang (BB) model teaches that all matter and energy originally existed in an infinitely condensed point, a so-called singularity. About 13.8 billion years ago,
this "cosmic egg" expanded faster than the speed of light for just a fraction of a second (so-called Inflation) and is assumed to continue expanding indefinitely.
In the first seconds, particles began to form, after 380,000 years atoms appeared, after another 200-300 million years, the first stars appeared, and after about 9 billion, our solar system and the Earth appeared. It 
includes the following steps:
  1. The entire universe was originally contained in a point, it was an infinitesimal dimensionless singularity. All matter, energy, space, and time existed in this singularity. There was absolutely none of this outside of the singularity.
  2. This singularity exploded. 
  3. Space rapidly expanded like a balloon. It's described as blowing up a balloon with galaxies marked on the surface of the balloon. It's then considered that the surface of the balloon is a two-dimensional projection of the three-dimensional space. When you blow up the balloon, the galaxies are moved apart, and there is no center in this universe (projected on the surface of the balloon). The balloon is seen expanding in a fourth space dimension. Nor can one go to the outer edge of the universe, because it has no edge. What happens is that you come back to the original position if you go far enough (like travelling on the surface of the balloon). This is an interpretation of Hubble's law (see below), based on the materialistic view that the Earth doesn't have a unique place in the universe and therefore can't be at the center of the universe, which is opposite of what Hubble's law indicates.
  4. The temperature dropped due to the expansion, and some of the energy became matter - hydrogen, helium, and a small amount of lithium.
  5. Some of the hydrogen and helium condensed into stars and galaxies.
  6. Stars made heavier elements up to iron, which turned into dust.
  7. Some stars are so massive that they imploded at the end of their life cycle, producing the heavier elements of the periodic table, when they exploded as a supernova. It's only in a supernova that elements heavier than iron are created, which also became dust.
  8. Some of the dust condensed to form planets.
None of these steps have been observed. It's possible to produce matter from energy, but this doesn't prove that all matter in the universe has been produced according to these steps. No one has seen a star form. 

Explanatory model

General about the Big Bang model 

A good model meets the following conditions:

  1. It's relative simple (the fewer assumptions, the better the model).
  2. It makes many precise and specific predictions.
The Big Bang model was initially easy to understand, but has become more and more complex as more observations have been made. More and more ad-hoc explanations (rescue devices) have been added to make the model hold together. Furthermore, it hasn't been able to make any specific prediction. The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the main prediction from the BB. It isn't very specific as the CMB can also be explained based on the proposed Creation model. 

JWST observations based on the Big Bang model 

    See the following observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST):
    They show that JWST has so far done the following according to the Big Bang model:

    It has looked back 300 million years after the Big Bang, which is about 2% of the universe's assumed age of 13.8 billion years. That's far earlier than the time when large galaxies are thought to have formed. The first protogalaxies are thought to have formed about 500 million years after the Big Bang. Merging them into large galaxies is thought to have taken about a billion years. 

    Too many, too big, and too bright galaxies have been observed than those that should have had time to form so close after the Big Bang. We should see the evolution of galaxies, but these discovered are full-fledged disc-shaped galaxies 
    with spiral arms and all. They have also found some of the heavy elements that should have taken several generations of stars to form. In short, the early universe looks like today's universe.

    The following observations with JWST have been made about these galaxies:
    • Large galaxies are found less than 300 million years after the Big Bang.
    • These galaxies are massive and mature and show no signs of merging from small protogalaxies.
    • They have spiral arms that take a long time to randomly form.
    • They have smooth spiral disks and neat spirals. They are ten times more even than predicted. 
    • Their stars contain heavier elements like oxygen that take billions of years to form.
    • There are at least 100,000 times more galaxies at this distance than predicted. 
    Watch the video:
    JWST Found Six "Impossible" Galaxies. Here's What The Researchers Have To Say
    • Time   3:02–  6:59: The discovery.
    • Time   7:05–13:42: What it means for traditional cosmology.
    • Time 13:43–15:53: What went wrong in the current model?
    • Time 15:58–17:38: The result of spectroscopy.
    • Time 18:18–20:20: The way forward.
    • Time 22:44–24:33: Age of the universe based on the LCDM model.
    See also from time 2:05 in Webb telescope looked very deep into the early universe, But what it saw, Stunned Astronomers!

    JWST observations based on the Creation model 

    • Time 49:56–54:19: Making predictions of JWST results.
    • Time 54:31–55:38: Creation prediction of secular rescue device.
    • Time 55:41–57:57: Questions about the JWST results.
    • Time 58:57–1:03:35: Space expansion or Doppler shift?
    • Time 1:04:49–1:05:48: Is the universe expanding?
    • Time 1:06:31–1:07:44: Theistic evolution?
    • Time 1:08:03–1:09:29: Part 2 of the Doppler shift.
    • Time 1:11:20–1:12:45: Part 3 of the Doppler shift.
    • Time 1:14:00–1:14:58: Predictions of the Doppler shift.
    • Time 1:26:09–1:27:37: What is empty space?
    does exist after all, although it is not fully proven yet Dr Jason Lisle JWST:
    • Time 23:34–27:51: Secular predictions of JWST results.
    • Time 27:52–31:02: Making predictions of JWST results.
    • Time 31:02–33:48: The JWST results so far.
    • Time 33:50–34:37: The secular responses to the JWST results.
    • Time 34:38–35:32: The JWST results related to creation predictions.
    • Time 36:09–59:11: Space expansion or Doppler shift causes redshift?
    • Time 1:06:29–1:07:06: Data available for for graph calculations.
    • Time 1:07:12–1:08:10: What the secular answers will be.
    • Time 1:08:24–1:08:54: Why the graph doesn't start from zero.
    • Time 1:09:18–1:10:34: What is empty space?
    • Time 1:11:00–1:11:37: How the calculations of the graph are done.
    • Time 1:16:38–1:17:06: Why BB requires an expanding space.
    • Time 1:17:13–1:19:08: Can galaxies reach the edge of space? 
    • Time 24:21–28:40: Background to JWST.
    • Time 28:59–33:28: Secular predictions of JWST results.
    • Time 33:29–35:49: Making predictions of JWST results.
    • Time 35:50–37:40: Creation prediction of secular rescue device.
    • Time 37:41–43:14: The JWST results so far.
    • Time 43:15–44:18: The secular responses to the JWST results.
    • Time 44:19–48:19: The JWST results related to creation predictions.
    • Time 57:00–58:36: The motivation to build JWST.
    • Time 59:23–1:00:55: Space expansion or Doppler shift causes redshift?
    • Time 1:01:02–1:02:09: God stretches out the heavens (Isaiah 40:22b).
                                          (See step 5 in The Creation model below.)
    • Time 1:02:34–1:04:10: Inflation.
    • Time 1:05:40–1:07:28: Alien life, see The Fermi Paradox.
    • Time 1:07:29–1:09:00: Black hole.
    • Time 1:09:09–1:12:50: Dark matter and dark energy.
    • Time 1:12:58–1:14:25: Is there star formation or galaxy formation?
        Watch the video What We Predicted. What We See:
        • Time 10:30–15:50: Predictions from a biblical worldview, based on all galaxies being created by God in mature states, and based on 
          Anisotropic Synchrony Convention (ASC) which here means that
          the speed of light is c/2 from us and infinite towards us
          (giving the average speed c). See it further explained in 
          The distant starlight problem in Evidence for a Young Earth
        • Time 17:35–19:30: Is there an edge of the universe?
        • Time 20:49–21:56: More about the biblical predictions.
        • Time 24:18–25:48: Creation prediction of secular rescue device.
        • Time 29:28–30:18: How to look back in time according to the Big Bang.
        • Time 30:19–31:33: What of the current Big Bang model is disproved.
        • Time 34:22–36:58: Exoplanets.
        • Time 39:47–40:36: A New Heaven and a New Earth.
        • Time 47:22–49:56: Dark energy and dark matter.
        • Time 49:57–53:13: Alien life, UFO, see The Fermi Paradox.
        See the comments on the 60 Minutes video above in the video
        The SHOCKING Truth About the James Webb Telescope
        • Time   7:05–  9:02: The biblical predictions.
        • Time 11:47–12:23: Are we seeing star formation?
        • Time 12:24–14:44: The Robertson-Walker Metric.
          (See step 5 in The Creation model below.)
        • Time 16:30–17:30: Stars with heavy elements, part 1.
        • Time 17:43–18:51: Stars with heavy elements, part 2.
        • Time 34:05–36:01: Dark energy and dark matter.
        • Time 37:55–39:47: Stars with heavy elements, part 3.
        • Time 43:41–46:25: Primary target with JWST and Earth-like planets.

        Dark matter

        Although dark matter has nothing to do directly with the Big Bang model itself,
        it's of great interest to understand if it really exists. 
        Dark matter is part of the LCDM
        which is a parameterization of the Big Bang model. There is a new theory called
        AQUAL that suggests dark matter may not exist at all. AQUAL is a theory of gravity based on Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). It may eventually turn out that dark matter does exist after all, although it's not fully proven yet.

        See time 1:03:04–1:04:33: in Dr Jason Lisle JWST.

        • Time 2:04–  5:54: Why dark matter was introduced.
        • Time 5:55–  9:31: MOND - The alternative explanation.
        • Time 1:08–  4:57: Why dark matter was introduced.
        • Time 4:58–  6:01: Its biggest problem.
        • Time 6:02–  7:08: AQUAL based on MOND.
        • Time 7:09–  9:32: Differences between LCDM and AQUAL.
        • Time 9:33–10:07: Problems with AQUAL.
        • Time 0:24–  0:55: The difference between dark matter and dark energy.
        • Time 0:56–  2:09: What is dark matter?
        • Time 2:10–  5:19: What it explains.
        • Time 5:20–  7:25: What it doesn't explain.
        • Time 7:26–  8:03: What MOND explains.
        • Time 8:04–  8:25: What MOND doesn't explain.
        • Time 8:26–10:36: A possible merge of dark matter and MOND.

        Dark energy

        Dark energy
         is an attempt to explain an accelerating
        expansion of space in the universe. The theory of 
        dark energy has therefore been added. It's an unobserved type of energy said to make up 68 percent of the universe. It's believed to create an accelerating expansion of space in the universe. There are no observation or evidence that it really exists. 

        Dark energy isn't needed if there is no more expansion of space in the universe and previous expansion of space has been done by God,
        see time 
        36:09–59:11 (background) and 1:03:34–1:05:19 in Dr Jason Lisle JWST.

        Scientific problems with the Big Bang model

        The Big Bang model has the following scientific problems (among others):
        • Where did all the energy in the singularity come from?
        • How can an infinitesimal singularity contain anything, see time 
          2:07:55–2:11:12 in 
          "Astronomy Reveals Creation" with Dr. Jason Lisle.
        • Why did the singularity explode despite all the gravitational forces, 
          see time 2:14:42–2:16:15 in 
          "Astronomy Reveals Creation" with Dr. Jason Lisle.
        • The baryon number problem. Every time we make matter from energy
          in the laboratory, we get an equal amount of antimatter.
          Where is all the antimatter?
        • The monopole problem. Magnetic monopoles (particles with a single polarity) should exist throughout the universe. None found.
        • The flatness problem. The expansion rate of the universe is extremely finely balanced with gravity. The universe is extremely flat, which is theoretical impossible if it expands from a single point. After 13.8 million years of expansion, the universe shouldn't be as flat as it is.
        • The horizon problem. The CMB has very even temperature, but light can't travel that far in the time allowed. For something to be so uniformed,
          the different parts must be able to communicate with each other according to the laws of nature.
        • The anthropic principle describes the fine-tuning of the universe.
          Scientific evidence proves that the universe is perfectly designed
          for life to exist on Earth, see The Fine-Tuning of the Universe.
        • If BB is true then there should be life elsewhere in the universe with its billions of stars and probably even more planets. There is absolutely no evidence that aliens exist, see The Fermi Paradox.
        • Life always arises from existing life. According to BB, life must have at some point spontaneously arisen from non-life (spontaneous generation). This first organism must have been equipped with a reproductive system, which means that it must have had a high level of complexity right from the start. There is no evidence whatsoever for this.
        • There is no naturalistic theory of how the laws of nature have arisen.
          The laws of nature can't have been created by natural laws because there were no natural laws at all before they first arose. But laws of nature are information, and information doesn't come about by itself
          see What is Information? This implies a Creator behind these laws.
        • It's reasonable to believe that a Creator doesn't allow any system in the universe that breaks down the mathematics of which he is the Creator, such as a singularity. If so, there can't be or have been a singularity.
        • There is no naturalistic model that explains the origin of matter/energy. These laws of nature mean that matter/energy must have been created
          by a Creator who exists outside the universe but who interferes with it,
          see this further explained from time 3:10 in Origins: Who Made God?
          1. The law of causality teaches that every effect has a cause. Since the origin of the universe is the effect of something, a cause is required.
          2. The first law of thermodynamics shows that matter and energy don't create themselves out of nothing. The total amount of matter/energy is all the time constant in the universe. 
          3. The second law of thermodynamics shows that the usable energy is constantly decreasing; our universe can't have existed forever.
        • BB requires an expansion of space in the universe which is impossible:
        Inflation has been proposed as a rescue device for some of the problems. It's an additional set of assumptions where the universe started expanding at a very accelerated rate and then went back to the normal rate of expansion. This could potentially reduce or eliminate the monopole, flatness, and horizon problems. 
        But it has its own problem like what would cause it and how to turn it off gracefully. 
        There is no evidence for inflation, which means it's not science but philosophy.

        For detailed information on this, see Latest Discoveries in Cosmology:
        • The horizon problem (time 2:55–4:17).
        • The flatness problem (time 4:18–4:51).
        • The inflation problem (time 4:52–18:49).
        The many problems with the BB make a naturalistic model for the creation of the universe impossible. It requires the existence of several unnatural phenomena, such as the emergence of the laws of nature, matter/energy, life, and genetic information. Avoiding these problems by claiming that "the laws of nature break down" if you look back far enough to the creation of the universe (as many cosmologists do), only emphasizes that the universe must have a supernatural origin that isn't governed by 
        natural laws. There can't be a purely naturalistic model for the origin of the universe. The scientific evidence doesn't point in BB's direction, but instead clearly speaks of a supernatural creation, by someone who must be a personal God, see The Trinity.


        Physics, of which cosmology is a part, isn't based on human intuition or fantasy storytelling, but on factsphysical observations, and experiments. This is then interpreted, based on people's worldview. My worldview is that the universe came into being through creation and not by chance by itself. Since all was good from the beginning when the universe was created according to the Bible (Gen (1 Mos) 1:31), it's my belief that God created the stars and galaxies in a mature state in a similar manner as he created man
        , see The Biblical Creation and the Fall of Man. 

        My intention is to explain the creation of the universe from a biblical worldview,
        as described at times 
        12:0813:27 and 32:27–36:07 in 

        King Solomon, who was the wisest man on Earth, said: "It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." (Proverbs 25:2).

        Hubble’s law

        Edwin Hubble discovered that the distances in physical cosmology are determined from redshift, that there is a correlation between distance and redshift.
        interpreted the measured redshift as that the galaxies moving away from us, see time 4:545:45 in Did the James Webb Space Telescope Disprove the Big Bang?
        One interpretation of this is that space in the universe is expanding,
        which may be wrong, see time 2:01–8:22 in 
        Michio Kaku: "TIME DOESN'T EXIST! James Webb Telescope PROVED Us All Wrong!".

        Hubble's Law describes the rates at which galaxies are moving away from Earth as proportional to their distance from Earth. Nowadays, many scientists believe that
        it's the space (not the mass in space) of the observable universe that is expanding, with 
        Hubble's Law being handled as a direct physical observation of this process.
        I have a different opinion on this.

        The universe has a center

        Note that there is no evidence that the universe has no center. It's a philosophical assumption that has been made on what BB is based on, which is a materialistic, atheistic worldview, based on secular humanism. If it turns out to be wrong, today's version of BB is wrong. If it turns out that the universe has a center, and that the Earth, our solar system and our galaxy are near this center, then it's close to wondering who placed these celestial bodies near the center of our universe.
        From the Bible, one gets the impression that man and the Earth have a central place in the universe.

        When measuring the redshift of various objects, it has been noted that
        redshift is quantified. It turns out that the universe is much like an onion with shells around a center, where the distance between each shell has a fixed value. Close to this center is the Earth, our solar system, and our galaxy. If the Earth were further away from this center, you wouldn't get this quantified redshift, meaning that this quantification of the redshift places our galaxy near the center of the universe.
        This is proof that the assumption that the universe has no center is wrong, meaning that today's version of the BB is wrong. For detailed information, see the video (especially time 4:00–19:04) in The Center of the Universe. Dr Russell Humphreys.


        BB is based on something called the Cosmological principle. This means that the universe is isotropic (equal in all directions) and homogeneous (equal in all parts). However, observations show that the universe is "lumpy", it contains stars, galaxies, galaxy clusters, which clump together instead of being evenly spread out.

        Satellites with various measuring instruments have been sent up into space to more accurately measure the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), which is about 2.7 degrees Kelvin. With these measuring instruments, they have measured cold spots and hot spots in the CMB. These should be randomly distributed if the Big Bang model is correct. The observations show that these cold spots and hot spots form patterns throughout the universe. Not only that, these patterns form two planes, called the "Axis of Evil", because they contradict the Big Bang model, see planes in the Earth's orbit projected in all directions in the image planes of Earth's orbit.
        1. A plane perpendicular to the plane that forms the rotation of the Earth
          around the sun (ecliptic), that is, a plane against the tilt of the Earth.
          (The Ecliptic is a plane, 23.4 degrees relative to the celestial equator).
        2. A plane that the Earth's equator forms when the plane passes through
          the center of the sun. It occurs at the vernal equinox (20/3) and
          autumnal equinox (23/9).
        Since it was hard to believe in these observations (due to BB), the Planck satellite was postponed in 2009, with even more sensitive instruments whose measurements were made by other people. It provided even more detailed results and confirmed the previous measurements. 

        For detailed information, see Why is the solar system cosmically aligned? and from time 3:54 in Does The Axis Of Evil Scare You? See also Axis of Evil Max Tegmarck.

        The Creation model

        An alternative explanation for BB based on a biblical worldview is this
        Creation model. For details, see 
        The Biblical Creation and the Fall of Man:
        1. God existed before the universe came into being. God is eternal, see 
          The Order between Jesus and the Father in the Trinity, and who God is
          and did before this creation at time 18:48–29:52 in DAVID GUZIK SERMON ON GENESIS 1:1-2 BEFORE THE BEGINNING, AT THE BEGINNING.
        2. The laws of nature came into being from God, see The Trinity,
          who is the lawgiver, see What is Information? 
          and Math in the Bible.
        3. The universe came into being through the creation by God who is the designer,
          and not by itself, see Evidence for Creation. Everything was created through Jesus as the Logos (Word) (John 1:1–3, 14), who spoke the universe into existence (Gen (1 Mos) 1:3, 6–7, 9, 11, 14–15, 20–21, 24, 26–27, Heb 11:3), see Jesus is the Creator in Jesus is God.
          Since the universe was created by this God who is the lawgiver, it operates according to the laws of nature.
          Also note that God is the only one who can create something out of nothing.

          This model doesn't need a singularity at the beginning of the universe.
          There is no need for a multiverse to have a fine-tuned universe that allows life.
          It doesn't require billions of years to create the Earth and life.
        4. God first created the Earth and the space needed for it (Gen (1 Mos) 1:1–2). 
          The Earth was created to contain life (Isaiah 45:18). 

          See Gen (1 Mos) 1 explained at time 26:40–37:24 in Understanding Genesis || Guest Speaker Dr. Jason Lisle. The gap theory is dismissed in that video at time 37:48–40:28. Gen (1 Mos) 1:1–2 (NASB20) can also be seen as an example of Parallelism, see time 8:42–11:57 in Hebrew Poetry Update.
        5. Space was stretched out rapidly by God symmetrically from the Earth
          (Gen (1 Mos) 1:6–8, Isaiah 42:5a, Psalm 148:4). This universe was then without celestial bodies. The universe was, and still is, surrounded by liquid water, which generated and still generates the CMB that we can measure according to the third major set of thermodynamics. See this explained (especially at time 19:00–24:12) in Origins: The Firmament of Genesis 1,
          where "the expanse (heaven)" is explained at time 4:13
          –14:13 in that video.

          This expansion of space was at the beginning of creation (day two).
          There is no such expansion of space in the universe anymore
          (Isaiah 40:22b, 42:5a, 44:24b, 48:13, Psalm 104:2b):
        6. Then; sun, moon, stars, and other celestial bodies were placed by God in this universe (Gen (1 Mos) 1:14–19, day four). They were placed with the proper mass, location, and motion to sustain life on Earth (Gen (1 Mos) 8:22,
          Isaiah 45:18). God created the
          galaxies fully formed (massive and well structured) from the very beginning. Even galaxies with spiral arms existed from the beginning with detectable heavy elements. Everything was perfectly created (Gen (1 Mos) 1:31a), and therefore contained no signs of evolution.

          The universe came into existence very quickly as seen from Earth. The telescopes observe  the galaxies as they look today, not how they looked in the past, see The distant starlight problem in Evidence for a Young Earth 
          and JWST observations based on the Creation model described above.
        7. God created male and female in the beginning of creation (Mark 10:6, day 6), see The Origin of Man.
        8. This universe has both an edge (surrounded by liquid water) and a center,
          with our galaxy (The Milky Way) located at the center of the universe.
        This makes it reasonable to assume that life only exists on Earth in the entire
        universe. This can be seen as something the Creation model predicts,
        see The Fermi Paradox

        Differences between the models

        Big Bang model 

        1. Nothing existed before the Big Bang.
        2. From absolutely nothing, initiated by nothing, the universe became,
          through an explosion of an infinitesimal dimensionless singularity.
        3. The CMB is a remnant of the explosion. 
        4. The universe has no edge. 
        5. The universe has no center. 
        6. Earth has no specific place in the universe.
        7. The stars came to be before the Earth. 
        8. The universe spontaneously began to form about 13.8 billion years ago.
        9. The space of the universe is expanding.
        10. The laws of nature came about by chance, by themselves.
        11. The Earth is about 4.6 billion years old.
        12. Humans have only existed for about 200,000 years.

        Creation model

        1. God existed before the universe came into being. God is eternal,
          see The Order between Jesus and the Father in the Trinity.
        2. The laws of nature were created by a lawgiver, by God,
          see What is Information?
        3. God created the universe. It became visible from Earth very quickly.
        4. The CMB comes from liquid water that surrounds the universe,
          according to the third major set of thermodynamics.
        5. The space of the universe is no longer expanding.
        6. The universe has an edge.
        7. The universe has a center.
        8. The galaxy of which Earth is a part, is located at the center of the universe.
        9. God created the Earth before he created the stars.
        10. The universe was created less than 10,000 years ago, see
          time 31:28–49:20 in Science Confirms Biblical Creation | Dr. Jason Lisle
        11. God created male and female in the beginning of creation (Mark 10:6),
          see The Origin of Man.

        Space and time

        My belief is that only life can generate life. Life can't spontaneously emerge from
        non-life. Pasteurization is based on this assumption, and it works. 
        Likewise, new space and time can't arise if neither space nor a Creator (a God according to the Bible) exists. Time (according to our definition) requires space to exist.

        The Bible describes God’s Heaven. In 2 Cor 12:2–4, Paul describes an event when he was temporarily caught up to the third Heaven. A Greek view at the time was that these three heavens consisted of: (1) the atmosphere, (2) the sky with the stars, and (3) the Heaven where God dwells. Acts 1:9–11 describes how Jesus was taken up into (the third) Heaven. God in the Bible is eternal, and there is a Heaven where God lives, see God's Throne in Heaven. It was from that Heaven that God created the universe, see The Biblical Creation and the Fall of Man.
        According to Neh 9:6, it appears that God also created the Heaven where he lives:
        "You have made heaven, the Heaven of heavens, with all their host".
        It seems that there is no time (in the sense of our understanding of time) in God's Heaven, which explains how The Predestination Theory can be possible,
        see time 1:30–5:14 in Atheist Asks TOUGH Questions: EPIC Responses! (Q&A).

        Many Big Bang followers believe in the multiverse. It's a concept that describes a worldview of many or infinitely many universes, or an infinite collection of parallel universes. These people consider it unreasonable that nothing exists outside of our universe, that our universe is the only universe that exists. The reason for this is that the laws of nature in our universe are so carefully calibrated to allow life, that the probability of our universe spontaneously arising is considered negligible, see
        The Fine-Tuning of the Universe. If, on the other hand, new universes with different versions of the laws of nature keep appearing, sooner or later a life-sustaining universe like ours would emerge. 
        But laws of nature are information, and information doesn't come into existence by itselfsee What is Information? See this further explained at time 7:46–8:53 in Atheist Asks TOUGH Questions: EPIC Responses!. Since the multiverse can't be proven in any way, it's not science but philosophy.

        According to the Big Bang model, there was no space, time, mass, energy, not even quantum fluctuations before the Big Bang. There was absolutely nothing before
        Big Bang. But then another universe can't have existed either. How do they explain that this first universe we live in is so improbably calibrated? And how could this universe have come into existence at all through the Big Bang, if absolutely nothing existed before it, neither space, time, nor anything that could generate it? 

        In there is a multiverse, and if our universe was generated from another pre-existing universe, which was generated from another pre-existing universe, etc, then how did the very first universe come into existence according to the Big Bang model, if absolutely nothing existed before that?


        Everything has a beginning. Everything must come from something that already exists. This means that there must be some unique and supernatural person who didn't come into being out of nothing, who is eternal and subsists by himself, and who is the one who gave rise to all things, see The Trinity.

        Since the universe has a beginning, it requires a God, see the Law of causality
        and The Kalam Cosmological Argument
         (but I don't think the universe expands anymore).

        The proposed Creation model is contradicted neither by the Bible nor by observations. It has a universe with a center, with our galaxy at the center.
        For more information, see the video Biblical Cosmology.

        Although the purpose of the Bible isn't to be a scientific book but to get to know God,
        it provides accurate scientific information about our universe, such as:
        • "It is he who sits above the circle of the Earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;" (Isaiah 40:22 (ESV)).
        • "As the host of Heaven cannot be numbered and the sands of the sea cannot be measured, so I will multiply the offspring of David my servant, and the Levitical priests who minister to me." (Jer 33:22 (ESV)).
        • "In the beginning you laid the foundations of the Earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded." See A New Heaven and a New Earth.
          (Psalm 102:25–26 (26–27 in some translations) (NIV)).
        • "He made the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, And the chambers of the south; He does great things past finding out, Yes, wonders without number." (Job 9:9-10 (NKJV)).
        • Jesus said: "But from the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female.'" (Mark 10:6 (ESV)). See The Origin of Man.
        See also the origin of modern statements at the end of The Book of Job, which, along with Genesis and the creation accounts is believed to be the oldest book in the Bible.

        The philosophical assumption that our universe has no center doesn't match the observations and is incorrect. Since the Big Bang model is based on this assumption, it can't be an explanation on how the universe came to be. It fails again and again to make accurate and specific predictions. A Big Bang, an explosion, also always results in chaos, it never provides organisation or information by itself. 

        The Big Bang model is revealed to be an incorrect explanation on how the universe came to be, see the video New Telescope Findings Challenge Big Bang Theory and the time 41:36–47:42 in the video In the Beginning - Genesis 1:1.

        For more information see: