Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Origin of Man


  • The Creation of Man according to the Bible
  • Differences between Humans and Animals
  • Differences between Humans and Other Primates
  • Origin of the Language
  • Lucy
  • Neanderthals
  • Human Apes and Humans
  • Mitochondria
  • Y-Chromosome

The Creation of Man according to the Bible

Naturalistic Worldview

Life always arises from existing life
. According to the Big Bang model, life must at some point spontaneously arisen from non-life (spontaneous generation). This first organism must have been equipped with a reproductive system, which means it must have had a high level of complexity right from the start. We have then had the following development according to the evolutionist timeline: This first original life would have arisen about 3.8 billion years ago. The first single-celled organism 
evolved into multicellular organisms (and even simple plants) which then evolved into invertebrates, which in turn evolved into vertebrates. Fish with backbones evolved into amphibians, which became reptiles, which gave rise to dinosaurs and mammals. The dinosaurs evolved into birds and the mammals evolved into primates. The genus Homo, which belongs to the group of primates, arose about 2–3 million years ago and has since evolved into humans. However, there is no evidence whatsoever for this development, it's conjecture based on s
ecular humanism.

The basic idea of that kind of evolution, called macroevolution, is that after life arose spontaneously from non-life, the first single-celled organism gradually evolved into today's life forms. Macroevolution means that there has not only been a biological change within basic animal types (cats, dogs, horses, etc.), which is called microevolution, but that there has also been a gradually development from one type of animal to another type, which means that single-celled organism gradually evolved into the rich fauna we have today. 

If so, macroevolution requires a mechanism that generates new genetic information over time. No such mechanism has ever been discovered. Experience shows, on the contrary, that meaningful information is always the product of a sender, which means that information isn't generated spontaneously by chance. Genetic research clearly shows that mutations don't create new information. On the contrary, mutations
eventually lead to a deterioration of the quality of our DNA because random changes (mutations) destroy existing information instead of improving it.

If macroevolution is correct, the sedimentary rocks should contain millions of transitional species showing how individual species descended from a common
single-celled organism. That's not the case. Every alleged transitional fossil that has been used as evidence that humans evolved from an ape-like creature has been shown to be either fraudulent or incomplete. Instead, the fossil record is characterized by the species appearing fully developed. It's usually called the Cambrian explosion. This means that in the Cambrian rock layer, which lies far down in the geological column, fully developed species with complex designs appear
(for example the trilobite), and with no evidence of having evolved from earlier life forms. In the rock layers above the 
Cambrian, the fossil record is characterized by so-called stasis, that is, the absence of development from one species to another.

Macroevolution has been shown to be wishful thinking by naturalistically oriented scientists, rather than a conclusion justified by scientific evidence. The evidence for macroevolution has been shown to be either wrong or irrelevant.

Examples of faulty evidence:
Examples of irrelevant evidence:

Biblical Worldview

All animals were formed by God from the ground (Gen (1 Mos) 2:19a). God formed man (Adam) from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Gen (1 Mos) 2:7), see this explained at time 19:36–26:19 in
God created the first woman (Eve) through a rib from Adam (Gen (1 Mos) 2:2122), see time 15:59–23:14 in DAVID GUZIK  SERMON ON GENESIS 2:18-25 . . .
Adam and Eve should be seen as real, literal, historical individuals, not mythology
For more information, see The Biblical Creation and the Fall of Man

How we can bring out the diversity of the gene pool by going from just two people is explained at time 4:10–13:37 in What can DNA tell us about the truth of the Bible?
Jesus was referring to the creation described in Gen (1 Mos) 1:27, when he said that God created male and female in the beginning of creation (
Mark 10:6, Mat 19:4).
Jesus said that God's word is the truth (John 17:17), which means that the Biblical creation is correct according to him.

Apostle Paul said that Adam was created first and then Eve (1 Tim 2:1314). He also said that God created every nation of mankind from one man (Adam) (Acts 17:26), and that sin came into the world through one man (Adam) (Rom 5:12).

From a purely chemical-biological perspective, we would expect great similarities between humans and animals, since they are created similarly according to the Bible. Especially since we live in the same ecological system and are shaped by the same Creator, see Jesus is the Creator in Jesus is God.

Differences between Humans and Animals

Humans are the only species that has a spoken language. Animals can communicate with sounds, but can't speak grammatical phrases or sentences.

Man has the opportunity to learn to read and write. God has chosen to communicate with us through the Bible.

Music is important to man. Animal sounds are regular, predictable, repetitive rather than individually creative.

Only God and man can use and understand mathematics. It allows us to understand a lot of God's creation, because it works according to mathematical laws that God has established, see Math in the Bible and What is Information? 

When animals build things, they constantly repeat a stereotyped pattern, rather than exhibiting creative abilities. Man has the ability to recognize both the beauty and complexity of God's creation.

God has given us sovereignty over all other creatures on Earth 
(Gen (1 Mos) 1:28b). God has given us confidence to rule over our environment.
We are accountable to him about how we handle it. 

Differences between Humans and Other Primates

In order to speak, the use of approximately 100 different muscles is required.
This includes not only the facial muscles but also the muscles connected to the lip, tongue, teeth, mouth and the voice box inside the throat. These muscles are one of the reasons humans can speak, which no other
primate comes close to.

Out of 193 living primates, 192 are covered in fur. The only exception is man.

Most fossil mammals are known by their teeth. Tooth enamel resists destruction much better than normal bone. What is totally missing are fossil finds of a chain with clear intermediate forms caused by, for example, mutations. There are no traces whatsoever of such transitional forms between chimpanzee teeth and modern human teeth.

Recent research has shown a greater difference between human and chimpanzee DNA than previously thought. They show that the whole
genome (genetic material) has an average similarity of only 84%. This corresponds to a difference of 480 million different base pairs. In addition,
humans have several thousand genes that are unique and completely absent in chimpanzees, while conversely chimpanzees have many genes that are unique to them and completely absent in humans.

Origin of the Language

Human children are born with the ability to learn language,
something that animals lack. 

If languages had evolved by a gradual Darwinian process, we would expect some of them to be "primitive" and others "advanced". But there are no primitive languages.

All known languages can be grouped into seventeen language families. Linguists have completely dismissed the idea of a hierarchical classification above the family level. There is no reliable tree that unites all modern languages. Not all languages
have a common origin. The logical conclusion that can be drawn from this is that
there is no evolutionary explanation for the origin of languages.

The biblical explanation is that God confused the language of the people in Babel when the people tried to build the Tower of Babel, and spread them over the whole Earth (Gen (1 Mos) 11:19), see The Tower of Babel. It gave us the language families, and also explains why these families don't have a common language that all these families come from. 


Respected anatomists have made the following statements about Lucy's genus 
  • It didn't go upright in a human way.
  • It wasn't an intermediate form between ape and man in its anatomical sense.
Lucy had the locking mechanism in the wrists that knuckles have, as well as the long arms (with bent fingers and toes) that characterize animals that swing between trees. All examples in the group to which Lucy belongs moved in an ape-like manner, neither human nor in any way between human and ape. 

The footprints found in volcanic ash at Laetoli are indistinguishable from barefoot living Homo Sapiens (Humans). The most logical conclusion is therefore that these footprints were made by humans. 

The most common view among creationist scientists is that Australopithecus
Lucy's genuswas a fourth now extinct family of human apes, along with chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans. Australopithecus is not the predecessor of 
Homo Sapiens (Humans).


The classic Neanderthal man differs very little from the typical contemporary man. The skull is a little flatter and more elongated, the chin is rounder and the skeleton more robust, see time 26:47–33:32 in What can DNA tell us about the truth of the Bible?

They were full-fledged people who lived in Europe and Western Asia during a period after The Flood at the Time of Noah and during the following ice age, see
The Ice Age in a Biblical Perspective. They should have been as intelligent as other people. 
Europeans have 14% Neanderthal DNA in their genome.

Human Apes and Humans

If the Bible's account is correct, we shouldn't expect to find any transitional variation between human apes and humans. Instead, we should only expect signs of internal variation among the two groups. This is also what we see. It seems that human apes have always been human apes, and humans have always been humans. 

Humans are creatures of the genus Homo: Homo Sapiens (Humans), Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthals), and Homo denisova (Denisovan). Both Neanderthals and Denisovan are human variants that in Paleoanthropology have begun to be included in our own species (Humans). The reason is that Europeans have 14% Neanderthal DNA in their genome, and people from, for example, New Guinea carry similar amounts of Denisovan DNANote that it's the way the brain is arranged that determines the intelligence of the different species, not its mass or volume.

All these primitive variants of Homo that have been discovered are Humans in the light of the Bible, not in development but in dissolution. What happens when a few individuals of a species (humans or animals) are isolated and form a new population in a new geographical location, is that a strong inbreeding effect occurs. This effect is amplified if the population remains small for a longer period of time. Since each new generation of individuals has about 100 new mutations relative to the generation before, this means that such a small population rapidly accumulates harmful mutations, leading to rapid degeneration. It can appear in the form of 
genetic disorder. These effects explain why many isolated tribes of natives can show similarities in anatomy to these early variants of the genus Homo, such as pygmy peoples. When the isolation and inbreeding has gone on for many generations, fertility is affected and the strains die out. There are no racial boundaries in true Christianity (Col 3:11), see Origins: Races and Human Populations.

The number of new mutations at each new generation also means that the human population can't last for millions of years, and therefore can't have existed for millions of years before. Allowing natural selection isn't a savior. Mutations 
change individual molecules in the genome, while natural selection selects entire individuals. More than 90 % of bad mutations accumulate. Rarely useful mutations
have almost no effect. This means that mutations are driving humanity towards extinction. Simulations show extinction after 268 generations, see:
These early variants of the genus Homo may have evolved over time after God
confused the language of the people at Babel when the people tried to build 
The Tower of Babel and scatter them over the whole Earth (Gen (1 Mos) 11:19).


Mitochondria are found in our cells and are similar to the power plant of the cell. There, the energy molecule (ATP) is used for almost all energy-requiring reactions that take place in our cells. Mitochondria have a small piece of DNA (mtDNA).
All other DNA is found in the cell nucleusmtDNA is inherited by both sons and daughters but only from the mother. 
There is a particular gene in the mtDNA that
differs in an average of 18 places among the women of the Earth.

Comparisons of mtDNA from humans from different geographical areas indicate that all of these human DNA sequences derive from a single common precursor. Since mitochondria are inherited solely from the mother, it suggests that we all descend through an unbroken line of women from a common ancestor that scientists have named mitochondrial Eve.

If one knows the mutation rate of this particular gene in the mtDNA, it's possible to calculate when mitochondrial Eve lived. One report gave a mutation rate of one 
mutation in 33 generations, with 20 years per generation. This means that after 33 generations, two women will differ in two places. To differentiate in 18 places, one must have 9 mutations, that gives the time 6000 (33x9x20=5940) years. The reports differ depending on the calculated mutation rate. Some gives 70008000 years, another 6500 years, and another 6000 years. But these results are according to the time of the biblical Eve.  


Since all men but no women have a Y-chromosome in their cells, this means that all men must have copies of the Y-chromosome from a precursorComparisons of
human Y-chromosome indicate that all of these 
Y-chromosomes are derived from
a single common male precursor called Y-chromosomal Adam.

It should be possible to calculate how long time it was since the ancestors of all modern men lived, if one knows the variation of Y-chromosome DNA among men 
and the rate of mutation of Y-chromosome DNA

According to the Bible, there was a global flood about 4500 years ago, see
The Flood at the Time of Noah. Eight persons survived: Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives. This means that all men must have copies of
Y-chromosome of Noah. This should therefore give a shorter time compared to
the mitochondrial Eve time, which should give a time to the common female ancestor of all four woman on the boat. There are reports that indicate a time of 4500 years for the 
Y-chromosome Adam, that's Noah according to the Bible.

Going from six people at Noah's time (Noah's three sons and their wives) to 
the number of people that we have today in 4500 years, requires a growth rate of only 0.46% (a doubling every 156 years), see: