Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Prophecies of Jesus' Second Coming

Jesus himself promised to return (John 14:13, Mat 24:2730).

Apostle Paul wrote about Jesus' second coming (Tit 2:1113, Phil 3:2021).
We are waiting for the Savior Jesus Christ to return from Heaven. 

Israel would become a country before Jesus returns (Ezekiel 37:1522),
The Valley of Dry Bones. It occurred in 1948. 

Israel will be attacked by Gog from Magog, but not defeated, see Gog from Magog.

Jerusalem is attacked and defeated by Antichrist just before Jesus returns 
Zechariah 14:12), see Who is the End Time Antichrist? At that time there will be a gathering from all nations attacking Israel from Armageddon (Rev 16:1314, 16).
Megiddo (see Josiah of Judah) is believed to be this area, where the final battle will take place at the end of the Great Tribulation. 

Then the Lord Jesus will come, and all the holy ones with him, to fight and defeat these nations (Rev 19:1116, Jude 1:1415). Jesus will physically return to the same place where he ascended into Heaven. This was told by two men (angels) in white apparels when Jesus ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:611). It's to the
Mount of Olives, one kilometer east of Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:39, Acts 1:12). Jesus will return with the believers in their resurrected bodies (Rev 1:7, 19:14).

Jesus comes to judge the unbelievers, the enemies of the Lord (
Rev 19:1721,
Zechariah 12:910Ezekiel 39:17-22Malachi 4:16). Jesus does this with his word (Rev 19:15a). God will judge those who cause Israel to try to divide the land
Joel 3:12), see The Sheep and the GoatsThere will be a punishment for the wicked, see Messiah's Second Coming in The Prophecies of Isaiah.

Antichrist and the false prophet are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire
(Rev 19:20, 2 Thess 2:8), see 
What Does the Bible Say about Hell?

Jesus also comes to establish the Millennial kingdom for a thousand years,
The Millennial Kingdom and the Great White Throne Judgement.

Jesus will reign forever (Luke 1:3133).

God (see The Trinity) is Love, Grace, and Mercy. Therefore, God the Father sent the Son of God (Jesus Christ) to physically die for our sins when he first came to Earth, and did so voluntarily, see Prophecies that Jesus FulfilledBut God is also Holy, Righteous, and Just, see God's Attributes. Because God is Holy, he can't accept sin. Because he is Righteous, he must judge sin. Because he is just, the punishment must be accurate.

For more information about the second coming of Jesus, see The Return of Jesus.

See also Some stories close related to the gospels at the bottom of 
The Four Gospels.