Saturday, March 14, 2020

Errors in the Radiometric Dating Methods


The dating methods used to show that we have an old Earth (radiometric dating, analysis of ice cores, annual rings in trees, etc.) are based on a philosophical assumption called uniformitarianism. This means that the geological processes observed have continued at the same rate throughout history. That assumption doesn't hold up upon closer examination of the physical evidence. Catastrophic events accelerate "normal" processes. But indirectly the secular geologists of our time realize that strict uniformitarianism doesn't hold and accept a type of catastrophe. In principle, then, they open up the possibility that dating techniques that yield an old Earth may be wrong, since these techniques are based on the assumption of uniformitarianism

In addition, the often cited radiometric dating methods contain a number of questionable theoretical assumptions. For more information on this, see the video 

Such dating methods (for example Rubidium–strontium, uranium-lead
potassium-argon (K-Ar), and carbon-14) are based on the following three assumptions which have been shown to be either debatable or outright untenable:
  1. The radioactive decay rate to get the decay product is constant over time.
    New scientific findings have called this into question. 
  2. The rock to be dated constitutes a closed system that isn't affected by
    leakage of chemical substances into or from the rock. 
    This has been shown to be false.
  3. The sample initially contains only parent isotopes
    This has been disproved time and time again.
The problem with the unreliability of the radiometric dating methods is exacerbated
by the fact that there are a number of measurement methods that point in the other direction that we have a young Earth, much younger than the evolutionist time schedule allows, see 
Evidence for a Young Earth.

The Eruption of Mount St. Helens

The eruption of Mount St. Helens in May 1980 blew away 400 meters from the top of the mountain, creating a gaping, horseshoe-shaped crater. By October of that year, the volcano had stalled so much that lava seeping in from the mountain pooled in the crater. In 1986, a lava dome was formed that was 350 meters high and at most 1060 meters in diameter. 

Geologist Steve Austin provided a number of samples from the newly formed volcanic rock (dacite) in 1992 with the intention of testing the accuracy of
radiometric dating, see his report. Dr Austin sent a number of samples from the lava to a reputable laboratory to have the appropriate measurements made with
K-Ar dating method. Some samples were taken from the dome as such, while others were selected with an emphasis on different minerals in the lava material. Some of the ages of the various samples calculated according to K-Ar dating method applied according to the standard conditions of dating:
  • The lava rock as such: 350,000 ±   50,000 years.
  • Mostly hornblende:      900,000 ± 200,000 years.
  • Mostly pyroxene:      2,800,000 ± 600,000 years.
The estimated ages varied between 350,000 years and 2,800,000 years, 
although the rock was formed only 10 years earlier

An assumption used when using the K-Ar dating method is that all the argon leaves the lava while it's still liquid. The age could then be calculated from the time the lava crystallized and the rock was considered gas-tight. But this assumption turned out to be wrong. The solidified lava dome already contained large amounts of argon and therefore gave incorrect dates. 

It has been objected that the tests weren't applicable because the K-Ar dating
method only works on rocks that are millions of years old. But the plus-minus range (
±) of each result eliminates that objection. The plus-minus range indicates the precision of the laboratory measurements and for each sample the margin of error was much smaller than the estimated age. This shows that the measured argon was well within the precision of the equipment.

This unique opportunity to test radiometric dating of a rock of known age has shown that the basic assumptions are wrong. Volcanic rock from this volcanic eruption already contained daughter isotopes that weren't formed by radioactive decay after the lava solidified. 

The test has shown that we can't rely on radiometric dating results for rocks of unknown ages.

The eruption of Mount St. Helens is also explosive evidence for creation, see
Origins: Mount St. Helens, Explosive Evidence for Creation. It shows rapid canyon formation and is proof that even Grand Canyon formed quickly.

Results from the RATE Project

Eight scientists created the group Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) 
which has done several tests on, among other things, volcanic material.

They did thirteen tests on Mount Ngauruhoe in northern New Zealand which had volcanic material with a known age of 25–51 years. The tests were done by Geochron Laboratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with the results:
  • 270,000 years (four samples)
  • 290,000 years (one sample)
  • 800,000 years (one sample)
  • 1,000,000 years (three samples)
  • 1,200,000 years (one sample)
  • 1,300,000 years (one sample)
  • 1,500,000 years (one sample)
  • 3,500,000 years (one sample)
The conclusion that can be drawn from these results is that an amount of argon gas was already present in the rock layers when they solidified, that is, there was simply no zero value in these radioactive clocks.

Andrew Snelling, member of RATE, ordered test results with different
radiometric dating methods on one and the same sample, with the result:
The result differed the most in 1 billion years.

When uranium decays to lead, helium is formed as a byproduct. A type of crystal called zircons contains uranium that has partially decayed into lead. By measuring the amount of uranium and "radiogenic lead" in these crystals, one can calculate that 1.5 billion years have passed, assuming that the rate of decay has been constant. This date is also consistent with the geological age given for the granite in which the zircons were found. What surprised the researchers is that there is still a surprisingly large amount of helium left in the zircons. When they then had an expert measure the rate at which helium was leaking out, it was determined that these crystals couldn't be older than 5680 ± 2000 years. The bedrock, believed to be 1.5 billion years old, contains so much helium that it can't be older than 10,000 years.

The conclusion of the RATE project is that Earth'a age is 4,00014,000 years.

See also Radiometric Dating and the Age of the Earth in
Evidence for a Young Earth.