Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Ice Age in a Biblical Perspective

An ice age is a large increase in snow and ice. 10% of the continents have ice today. During the last ice age, 30% of the continents were covered by ice. It covered Canada and the northern parts of the United States, Europe, and Russia. 

The secular view is that each ice age lasts 100,000 years and contains glacial and interglacial phases. Their view is that the glacial phase lasts 90,000 years and the interglacial phase lasts 10,000 years. Their view is also that we have had about 50 regularly recurring ice ages in the last 2.6 million years. This is based on the astronomical theory, based on uniformitarianism and cyclical behavior.

To get an ice age we need the following:
  • Much heavier snowfall than usual for several years.
  • Much colder summers for several years, to prevent snow and ice from melting. Summer temperatures must drop more than 50° F (30° C).
    A change in solar radiation is too small to produce the high fall.
One problem with a colder climate is that it becomes drier, with less snowfall.
The colder it is, the drier it gets. This is one reason why there are over 60
secular theories about how to get an ice age.

Can a biblical worldview explain the ice age?

Analyzing the observations from a biblical worldview yields the following,
which is a summary of the video below with Michael Oard

We have only had one ice age. It occurred after The Flood at the Time of Noah 
(Gen (1 Mos) 6:5–8:19) about 4,500 years ago. It created the ice age as follows:
  • Volcanic dust and aerosols (smoke, fog, air pollution) caused cooler summers over land. This persisted for several years but subsided over time.
  • Fountains of great depth and volcanism caused warm seas. It produced very high vaporization by the seas, which fell as snow over the land. This persisted for several years but subsided over time, as the oceans gradually cooled over time.
Postulated mean sea temperature with time after the Flood  gives:

The ice age reached its maximum about 
500 years after the Flood

Afterwards, it took about 200 more years to melt it down.

This gives a total time of about 700 years for the ice age.

Most areas show no evidence of multiple ice ages
A glacier's ice age depends on how it melts, but it's still the same ice.

The rainbow is a sign from God that there will not be another global Flood anymore (Gen (1 Mos) 9:817). This means that there will be no more ice age in the future, because the global Flood caused the ice age (1 Cor 2:5).

This biblical explanation of the ice age explains other ice age mysteries:
  1. Deserts that were once wet.
  2. Woolly mammoths in Siberia.
  3. Strange mixtures of cold and warm weather, animals, and plants.
  4. Mass extinctions at the end of the ice age.
  5. Lowlands without signs of glaciers in Siberia.
The very high vaporization at the oceans made it wet everywhere on Earth. 
The warm seas made Siberia much warmer than today. We had mild winters and cool summers. As time went on during the ice age, winters became colder and drier. The sea was about 50-60 meters lower when the ice was at its thickest. The larger land areas made it easier for people and animals to migrate to new areas.

For detailed information explaining this, see the following videos: 
God made the following promises after the Flood (verses taken from the ESV):
  • "I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. While the Earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." (Gen (1 Mos) 8:21-22).
  • "Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the Earth.(Gen (1 Mos) 9:11).
  • ". . . I swore that the waters of Noah should no more go over the Earth . . . (Isaiah 54:9).
Although humanity has a responsibility for the environment on Earth, we can trust and rest on these promises that we won't have an out of control climate on Earth.
Since God maintains a stable system, there is no reason for catastrophic alarmism. 
It's a important to keep a balance and not take all alarms too seriously.