Friday, March 13, 2020

Is the Theory of Evolution Proven?

Our life is a temporary chemical combination in a universe completely without purpose and meaning according to a naturalistic worldview. Within such a worldview, assuming there is no God intervening in creation, there is no alternative but a universe and diversity of life that have created themselves, purely by chance and
by nature. According to them, evolution must therefore be a fact. 

The theory of evolution is the creation story of materialism and naturalismIt's based on the fact that random changes in DNAmutations, have the ability to create a raw material in the form of changed genes that code for changed characteristics. The changes that make individuals in the next generation of organisms better adapted to their habitats will be favored in natural selection

Note that natural selection (survival of the fittestexists, but not as described in the theory of evolution, and it's not the same as evolutionNatural selection always
leads to the erosion or loss of genetic information
, not to the creation of new
genetic information. Either by sorting out genetics that are disadvantaged in a specific environment, or by mutations doing the same thing. 

See natural selection described at:
DNA contains information. One problem is to explain how information can arise without any intelligence, see What is Information? Chance has an admittedly strong tendency to destroy information where it exists. The most common is that variation is created through the traits the individual inherits from their parents. It's not possible to turn a microbe into a human, or even into another type of microbe
by simply mixing what is already there. It requires that qualitatively new traits for completely new characteristics be added, and this is assumed to happen through
mutations according to the theory of evolution. What isn't often mentioned is that
a mutated microorganism has to pay a high price in terms of inferior genetic mass, which means that it's invariably eliminated in a more normal environment in competition with microorganism of the original type.
 See the time 43:46–52:37
(describes genetics) in Dr Robert Carter: Evolution's Achilles' Heels.

We know that mutations cause cancer and genetic defects and contribute to the aging of our bodies. The mutations must be able to deliver new traits that express themselves in new characteristics that natural selection selects for, that provide advantages and then not only in extreme situations. These 
mutations are quite impossible to find in nature. Mutations are overwhelmingly a downward process where genetic information is lost. Something which, of course, can be an advantage in extreme situations. Mutations can't explain the information in our genome that contains information about how the information itself should be used and controlled. It's called metadata and can only be explained by an intelligent act of creation. 

All animals and plants can be divided into basic types. The organisms within the basic types can mate with each other and usually produce fertile offspring. We often see a lot of variation within a basic type, new species can arise. But these variations don't arise due to mutations, but to how the genetic code is combined in a specific environment. We see limits to how large these variations can be. They never go from one basic type to another, neither in nature nor in fossils. When a fossil is found in the geological layers, the organism in its main features resembles its modern descendants. This is true all the way from the Cambrian strata up through the series of strata, but also further down, in the strata called the Precambrian
 strata. There is no support in the fossils that there has been a development from one basic type to another. The biblical view is that God created the different basic types, and afterwards we have seen a variation within each basic type based on how the genes have been combined and not due to mutations.

We can see a lot of similarities between different kinds of animals. This is in evolutionary theory called homology if the similarities are assumed to be due to being inherited from a common ancestor, but is called homoplasy or convergent evolution if it's understood that the evolutionary process has converged towards the same design independently. An unresolved problem with this is that the embryonic development of so-called homologous structures, such as similar fingers, thumbs, and toes, is often very different. In terms of convergent evolution, some scientists believe that the eye, which is highly complex, has evolved independently about 60 times, and the highly complex C4 photosynthesis has evolved independently more than 30 times. The Christian view of this is that these similarities exist because we all have the same Creator and we live in the same ecological system. This Creator has sometimes reused the same features in different animals and in humans and sometimes added other features in a similar way as we do in human engineering.

Antibiotic resistance is usually presented as an example of ongoing evolution. Resistance occurs when an existing system is modified (usually by something breaking down), or when genes are transmitted from bacteria that already have them. Nothing new has been created. Therefore, it's wrong to call it an ongoing
evolution. Natural selection can favor the resistant bacteria when there are a lot of antibiotics around, but disadvantage them in an environment without antibiotics.

It has been presented as truth that it took millions of years for fossil fuels such as oil and gas to form from algae and plants. Scientists can now convert algae into crude oil in less than an hour. This process shows that heat and pressure are sufficient for oil to form in an extremely short time. Buried plant material exposed to heat and pressure can first form carbon, which can also form in a short time. The carbon can then be converted to oil if it's exposed to even higher temperatures and pressures.

All dogs are descended from a wolf-like ancestor. This ancestor had the genetic
diversity that allowed humans to breed different breeds of dogs. There are currently over 200 different breeds of dogs. Mixed breeds are less prone to disease because a healthy copy of a gene usually dominates over a defective one. Breeding between two purebred dogs from two different breeds usually produces a much healthier offspring than breeding within one's own breed. The mixed breeds will have fewer cases of disease and also have a longer life expectancy. Extreme breeding with the aim of obtaining certain desirable traits has made dogs more susceptible to disease. Modern dog breeds have become very genetically depleted. This may explain why God prohibited marriage between close relatives from the days of Moses onwards (Lev (
3 Mos) 18:6). Mutations can be a consequence of the Fall
(see The Biblical Creation and the Fall of Man). In the beginning all was very good
(Gen (1 Mos) 1:31), implying that no bad mutations existed at that time. Therefore, it was OK to marry close relatives before the time of Moses.

The origin of life is defective described in the theory of evolution. See time 52:42–1:00:55 (describes origin of life), in Dr Robert Carter: Evolution's Achilles' Heels.

Science and morality are inadequately described in the theory of evolution
See time 1:00:55–1:09:45 (describes science and morality),
Dr Robert Carter: Evolution's Achilles' Heels.

In summary, the theory of evolution isn't proven. It's quite disproved, see: