Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Woman's Place in the Congregation


  • Must a woman cover her head at a service?
  • Must a woman be silent in a congregation?
  • Can a woman be a leader in a congregation?
  • The order of leadership in a marriage.
  • How should a woman dress?
  • Must we lift up our hands when we pray?
  • How should we worship God?
  • What is the meaning of spiritual warfare?
  • What does the Bible say about Tattoos?
  • What does God think about Christians drinking alcohol?
  • Is smoking a sin?
  • What about gray areas?

Must a woman cover her head at a service?

1 Corinthians is a problem-solving letter. The Corinthians had written to 
Apostle Paul about various things that were going on in their congregation. 
1 Corinthians is a letter of response to that letter.

One  question that came up was whether it was appropriate for a woman to participate in a service with the head uncovered.

The following was the practice in Paul's day:
  • All respectable women wore head coverings at all times.
    The disrespectful women, who were mostly prostitutes, didn't.
    It was considered shameful for a woman to be in public with her head uncovered. It was also shameful for a woman to have short hair or to have all her hair removed. (1 Cor 11:5–6).
  • A wife should have a symbol of authority on her head (1 Cor 11:10). That authority was her husband (1 Cor 11:3). The prostitutes who rejected it rejected the authorities that had been established in their lives.
A covered head on a woman in our culture today doesn't mean that she is under an authority, or that she isn't a disrespectful woman. It doesn't signal that to the surroundings. A woman in our culture today communicates respect for the Lord and for her husband in the way she speaks to and about her husband to others, how she treats her husband in public, how she dresses, how she interacts with other men, and how she responds to his leadership ideas and suggestions.
Therefore, it's no longer necessary for a woman to cover her head. However, we should respect women who still want to cover their heads at services, see chapter Disputable Matters in The Book of Romans.

Must a woman be silent in a congregation?

1 Cor 14:33b35 says that the women should be silent in in the congregation. 
But these verses must be read in context. 1 Cor 14:2640 talks about 
order in a service. God is a God of order and the service should reflect that (1 Cor 14:33a, 40).
It's quite possible that men and women were separated in the church because that was the Jewish tradition in the synagogue. If a woman wanted to tell his husband something, she should do it at home and not disturb the church service
(1 Cor 14:35). See this explained at time 19:40–22:38 in 
Bible Q&A With Pastor Paul │ April 2023.

Probably there was much disorder at the services in Corinth. Most likely, the women interrupted the services and asked questions of their husbands during the ongoing services, which was disruptive to the meetings. Especially if men and women were divided to sit separately, as they were in the synagogues. Apostle Paul therefore gave instructions to create order during the services, by telling how the women in a congregation should behave during the ongoing services. Paul's intention in
1 Cor 14:33b35 
wasn't to say that a woman can't serve in a church by, for example, preaching or teaching. He basically tries to create order in the services.

Can a woman be a leader or teach in a congregation?

What does it mean when Apostle Paul doesn't allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man (1 Tim 2:1113)? Or to teach only women (Tit 2:25)?

Timothy was serving in the congregation of Ephesus when he received the letter from Paul1 Tim 2:1113 probably only applies to those women who have the same background and conditions as the women in EphesusThere were Gnostic thoughts, see The Danger with Gnosticism. An example is that they taught that woman was created first and was the bearer of a deeper insight. Foreign Gnostic thought was spread mainly through women in the congregation in Ephesus, who promised a path of salvation based on good works (1 Tim 1:34, 7).

Tit 2:25 doesn't speak specifically about teaching but how men and women should behave.

Examples of women women teaching or exercising leadership:
  • Priscilla and Aquila are mentioned six times in four different books of the New Testament, always named as a couple and never individually.
    This indicates that they always did their work for the Lord together as a couple. Paul is generous in his recognition and acknowledgment of his indebtedness to them (Rom 16:3–4). The woman Priscilla taught Apollos in 
    with Aquila (Acts 18:2426), and there was a church that met in their house (1 Cor 16:19). This indicates that both were leaders in that church and that they both practiced teaching. 
  • Timothy himself was taught during his childhood by his mother and grandmother (2 Tim 1:5, 3:1415, Proverbs 22:6).
  • Jesus himself sent Mary Magdalene to the disciples to tell about them 
    The Resurrection of Jesus (John 20:1718). It's a form of teaching. Mary had previously been freed from seven demons (Mark 16:9, Luk 8:2). 
  • There are examples in the New Testament of daughters with the gift of prophecy (Acts 2:17, 21:8–9). God wouldn't give prophetic gift to women, if they weren't allowed to speak them also to men, see Spiritual Gifts.
  • Deborah was a prophetess, judge, and leader in Israel in the
    Old Testament 
    (Judges 4:4, 5:7), see 4. Deborah in The Book of Judges
  • Huldah was a prophetess in the Old Testament 
    (2 Kings 22:14, 
    2 Chronicles 34:22), see Josiah of Judah 
    and the beginning of Prophet Jeremiah.
This means that 1 Tim 2:1113 and Tit 2:25 don't prevent a woman from being a leader or teaching. However, we should respect women who don't want to be leaders or teach because of those verses, see chapter Disputable Matters in 
The Book of Romans.

The order of leadership in a marriage.

There is no difference between male and female in Christ, we are all one in Christ (Gal 3:28). Both man and woman are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27). 

But man and woman have different roles in a marriage. Man and woman are subject to each other (Eph 5:21), even though the male has a special authority in the family. He is the head of the household (1 Cor 11:3, Col 3:18). The word head denotes leadership, not supremacy or dominance. This is God's plan for marriage. But she must accept that willingness as a result of obedience to Jesus (Eph 5:2224)
The husband is obliged to love (agape love) his wife and not be hard on her
(Col 3:19, Eph 5:25). He therefore can't demand that she submit to him.  

The husband should love (agape love) his wife as himself, and the wife should respect her husband (Eph 5:33, 1 Pet 3:12, 7). This isn't based on emotion.
It's something we choose to do and something we need to show each other in
our daily lives.

Of course, the wife isn't to submit to her husband if he asks her to do things that
are illegal, immoral, or unbiblical. 
See also Agape Love in Spiritual Gifts.

Four reminders to men (1 Pet 3:7):
  • Live with your wife in an understanding way.
  • Honor your wife.
  • Acknowledge her as a weaker vessel and heir with you.
  • The way you respond to your wife can hinder your prayers.
See time 28:2438:53 in 1 Peter 3 (Part 1) :1-7 • Harmony In Marriage

How should a woman dress?

A woman shouldn't dress improperly (1 Tim 2:910, 1 Pet 3:35a). This applies
all the time. It's OK for a woman to make her attractive, but not to overdo it.
The clothing should match the recognition of the walk of faith in Jesus Christ.
It's OK to dress up nicely, do your hair, wear jewelry, but at the same time,
God must be prioritized. Character is more important in the long run. 

The message is also meant to appeal to the heart. God is primarily concerned with our hearts, not our appearance. Man cares about the outside but God considers the heart (1 Sam 16:7). It's possible to never wear jewelry, make-up, or fine clothes and still have a heart that is boastful and proud. The world believes that beauty is always external, but real beauty to God is internal, beauty comes from within.

See this explained at time 21:4126:16 in 1 Peter 3 (Part 1) :1-7.

Must we lift up our hands when we pray?

The most common prayer position in Bible times was praying with raised hands (Nehemiah 8:6, Psalm 63:4 (5 in some translations), 134:2, 141:2). It shows the biblical idea of surrendering to the Lord. It's a symbol of welcoming the Lord, of opening my heart to him, of having communion with the Lord. However, this does not mean that it is wrong to pray in a different way. It's not about the posture or the appearance. It doesn't make us more available to God to pray with raised hands if it doesn't come from the heart. Worship begins with the heart. 

Apostle Paul wanted them to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or quarreling (1 Tim 2:8). Paul doesn't emphasize the position of the intercessor.
What he is essential saying is that when we meet in prayer it shouldn't involve
drama in people that is unresolved. It doesn't match what we do when we go
before the Lord and ask for his blessing, mercy and grace to be poured out.
nresolved issues creates obstacle to pray, see Ask, and it will be given to you 
in The Sermon on the Mount. Before entering God's presence, it's important to
try to reconcile (if possible) with such people if unresolved situations arise
(Mat 5:23
24, 1 Pet 3:7), see Unity.

How should we worship God?

Worship is a spiritual act. Jesus said: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24). Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans:
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." (Rom 12:1). Here 
Paul says that our "spiritual act of worship" is to present our lives to God as a "living sacrifice". Under the Old Covenant, the people of God would sacrifice animals for various reasons, and one of those reasons was to show a person's complete devotion to God. Under the New Covenant we don't sacrifice animals, instead we sacrifice ourselves. But it's a "living sacrifice" which means we do not die physically. A living sacrifice is one where we come to God and offer our lives to him; to live for him and to serve him with all our hearts. Worship is the act of offering oneself to the Lord in submission to his lordship. See Heb 13:15 explained
at time 17:06–20:37 in DAVID GUZIK SERMON ON Hebrews 13:8-25 . . .

Expression of worship isn't worship itself, but how we express our worship.
Some expressions of worship include: 
  • Singing. 
  • Raise hands (see above). 
  • Kneeling. 
  • Shout to the Lord in praise. 
  • Some groups even include dancing to express their worship.
We can express our worship in many ways, but we must not let those expressions become worship, see time 9:15–15:36 in Mark 11:1-26 – Image and Reality.
True worship comes from the heart, not from the hands, mouth, or feet.
Anyone can make the above expressions and still not worship God from their heart. 
God wants a personal relationship with us.

What is the meaning of spiritual warfare?

See the meaning of spiritual warfare (Mat 12:29, Mark 3:27, Luke 11:22) at

See also Exorcism in Miracles of Jesus.

What does the Bible say about Tattoos?

See it explained at time 17:32–18:52 in Bible Q&A with Pastor Paul │February 2024.

What does God think about Christians drinking alcohol?

The bottom line is that the Bible doesn't denounce drinking alcohol, but it does condemn passionate, drunkenness (Eph 5:18). The warnings given in the Bible about "strong drink" are many, and there are also some stories in the Bible about
unfortunate results as a result of unbridled drinking. A good example of one of
the biblical warnings about drinking say: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise." (Proverbs 20:1). See also time 38:5540:34 in 1 Timothy 5 • Instructions concerning widows and Elders/Pastors.

Alcohol's potentially devastating effects have created untold suffering and
heartache in people's lives for countless centuries, see time 14:37–16:52 in
Luke 4 (Part 2) :16-30 • Jesus, the fulfillment of Prophecy. Drinking alcohol is therefore potentially unwise for the vast majority of people. The chances of being "led astray" by alcohol (or other drugs) are quite high in light of the Bible's many warnings. The Bible says: "The prudent sees danger and hides himself,
but the simple go on and suffer for it.
" (Proverbs 22:3, 23:29–33). 

If you are a Christian who feels the freedom to drink alcohol, you do not have the freedom to cause your brother in Christ to stumble. Apostle Paul said: "It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble."
(Rom 14:21), see Disputable Matters in The Book of Romans.
 Caring for others should come before the exercise of my freedom. It's especially important for a Christian leader to avoid alcohol in public as an example to other people,
see time 25:30–29:43 in John 2:1-12 – Revealed at Cana.

See also these videos:

Is smoking a sin?

See it explained at time 24:06–27:09 in Bible Q & A with Pastor Paul │ April 2023.

What about gray areas?

See it explained at time 44:14–49:28 in May 2024 Bible Q&A.
See also time 50:14–54:42 on the same link.