Thursday, January 27, 2022

Elijah's Ascension to Heaven


  • Background
  • Interpretations of Elijah's Ascension to Heaven
    • Traditional Interpretation
    • Alternative Interpretation
  • What Does the Bible Say about Elijah's Ascension
  • Enoch
  • Interpretation of Enoch's Ascension to Heaven
    • Traditional Interpretation
    • Alternative Interpretation
  • Other People who were Physically Moved
  • Heaven


Elijah's ascension to heaven (2 Kings 2:11) meant that he handed over the prophetic responsibility to Elisha, see Elisha in Elijah the Prophet

Elijah's was suggested to be taken away by Ahab's (king of Israel) head over
the household, Obadiah before it happened (1 Kings 18:12). 

The prophets didn't believe that Elijah was with God in Heaven (2 Kings 2:3, 16).

14 years later, Elijah wrote a letter to king Jehoram, king of Judah (2 Chron 21:12).

Interpretations of Elijah's Ascension to Heaven

Traditional Interpretation

Elijah is taken directly to God in the kingdom of Heaven without first having to die.

Alternative Interpretation

Elijah was taken to the heaven where the clouds are, and not to Heaven where God dwells. God moved him to another place on Earth through the element where the cloud is and the birds live.

What Does the Bible Say about Elijah's Ascension

Jesus' words in John 3:13 ("no one has ascended into Heaven except he who descended from Heaven, the Son of Man", see Jesus and Nicodemus) indicate that Jesus was the first person to ascend to God the Father in the kingdom of Heaven. 

Elijah's heavenly journey was shortly after the death of king Ahaziah of Israel 
(2 Kings 1:17–2:18), which was in the
18th year of the reign of king Jehoshaphat
of Judah (2 Kings 3:1). Jehoshaphat reigned for 25 years (1 Kings 22:42), that is,
8 (25-(18-1)=8) years after the heavenly journey. He was succeeded by Jehoram 
(1 Kings 22:50 (51 in some translations), who reigned for 8 years (2 Kings 8:17).
Jehoram received Elijah's letter 2 years before his death (2 Chron 21:12, 19
that is, when he had reigned for 
6 (8-2=6) years. The time between the heavenly journey and the letter from Elijah is thus 8 + 6 = 14 yearsThis makes the alternative interpretation seem more likely to be in accordance with scripture
See also Jehoram of Judah at the end of Elijah the Prophet.


Enoch's heavenly journey is described in Gen (1 Mos) 5:21–24 and Heb 11:5.
That he wasn't found suggests that people were looking for him.

Interpretation of Enoch's Ascension to Heaven

Traditional Interpretation

He is taken directly to God's Heaven without dying.

Alternative Interpretation

God moved the godly Enoch away from the growing evil around him, which later
led to the earthly Flood. Perhaps his life was threatened by the godless people who lived in the place from which he was moved. Enoch 
eventually died (Heb 11:5, 13), probably before the Flood because he was a godly man. It seems that this interpretation is more likely according to scripture.

Other People who were Physically Moved

Other persons who have been physically moved from one place to another:


The Hebrew word for heaven in this context is "shamayim", which is always written in the plural. It's therefor not possible to indicate whether it's "heaven" or "heavens" from the original word (comparable with the expression "a deer", "two deer"). 
It depends on the context, but sometimes it's not possible to tell which it is even from the context.

The term "heaven" is very comprehensive. While it can refer to space and the billions of stars and planets that God has created, it can also refer to our closest atmosphere, the sky above us, or something that is just higher than usual. For example, we have the story of the Tower of Babel where people tried to create a building that reached up to heaven (Gen (1 Mos) 11:4), see The Tower of Babel.
It can also mean God's Heaven, see Where is Heaven.

Jesus told Nicodemus at the beginning of his ministry that no one had ascended into the Heaven of God but Jesus himself (John 3:13). See also John 1:18 and John 17:24. Jesus said this before he died on the cross for our sins. Nicodemus who was a Pharisee and one of the council members of the Jews didn't answer this in the Bible, although he must be familiar with what the Old Testament says about Enoch
and Elijah. According to what Jesus said in these verses, no man had gone directly to God's Heaven at that time. That includes 
Enoch and Elijah. 

No one went directly to God's Heaven before Jesus died on the cross for our sins, see The Crucifixion of Jesus. Instead they went to Paradise, the section of Hades where Abraham and those who would have eternal life with God ended up, see
The Rich Man and Lazarus
When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, all the people in Paradise went directly to God's Heaven, which means that Paradise is now empty, see The Resurrection of Jesus. The believers who have died after that have gone, and are going today, directly to God's Heaven. Note that these people haven't yet received their immortals bodies. That will happen at The Rapture.